A Long Walk

Advent of Code 2023 [Day 23]


The Elves resume water filtering operations! Clean water starts flowing over the edge of Island Island.

They offer to help you go over the edge of Island Island, too! Just hold on tight to one end of this impossibly long rope and they’ll lower you down a safe distance from the massive waterfall you just created.

As you finally reach Snow Island, you see that the water isn’t really reaching the ground: it’s being absorbed by the air itself. It looks like you’ll finally have a little downtime while the moisture builds up to snow-producing levels. Snow Island is pretty scenic, even without any snow; why not take a walk?

There’s a map of nearby hiking trails (your puzzle input) that indicates paths (.), forest (#), and steep slopes (^, >, v, and <).

For example:


You’re currently on the single path tile in the top row; your goal is to reach the single path tile in the bottom row. Because of all the mist from the waterfall, the slopes are probably quite icy; if you step onto a slope tile, your next step must be downhill (in the direction the arrow is pointing). To make sure you have the most scenic hike possible, never step onto the same tile twice. What is the longest hike you can take?

In the example above, the longest hike you can take is marked with O, and your starting position is marked S:


This hike contains 94 steps. (The other possible hikes you could have taken were 90, 86, 82, 82, and 74 steps long.)

Find the longest hike you can take through the hiking trails listed on your map. How many steps long is the longest hike?

type Pos struct {
	row, col int

func readInput(filename string) [][]byte {
	data, err := os.ReadFile(filename)
	if err != nil {
		return [][]byte{}
	lines := strings.Split(strings.TrimSpace(string(data)), "\n")
	grid := make([][]byte, len(lines))
	for i, line := range lines {
		grid[i] = []byte(line)
	return grid

func isValid(grid [][]byte, pos Pos, visited map[Pos]bool) bool {
	return pos.row >= 0 && pos.row < len(grid) &&
		pos.col >= 0 && pos.col < len(grid[0]) &&
		grid[pos.row][pos.col] != '#' &&

func dfs(grid [][]byte, pos Pos, end Pos, visited map[Pos]bool) int {
	if pos == end {
		return 0

	maxSteps := -1
	visited[pos] = true
	defer delete(visited, pos)

	moves := [][2]int{ {-1, 0}, {1, 0}, {0, -1}, {0, 1} }
	curr := grid[pos.row][pos.col]

	// Handle slopes
	if curr == '>' {
		moves = [][2]int{ {0, 1} }
	} else if curr == '<' {
		moves = [][2]int{ {0, -1} }
	} else if curr == '^' {
		moves = [][2]int{ {-1, 0} }
	} else if curr == 'v' {
		moves = [][2]int{ {1, 0} }

	for _, move := range moves {
		next := Pos{pos.row + move[0], pos.col + move[1]}
		if isValid(grid, next, visited) {
			if steps := dfs(grid, next, end, visited); steps >= 0 {
				if maxSteps < steps+1 {
					maxSteps = steps + 1

	return maxSteps

func findLongestHike(grid [][]byte) int {
	start := Pos{0, 1}
	end := Pos{len(grid) - 1, len(grid[0]) - 2}

	visited := make(map[Pos]bool)
	return dfs(grid, start, end, visited)

func main() {
	grid := readInput("input.txt")
	result := findLongestHike(grid)
	fmt.Println("Longest hike length:", result)

As you reach the trailhead, you realize that the ground isn’t as slippery as you expected; you’ll have no problem climbing up the steep slopes.

Now, treat all slopes as if they were normal paths (.). You still want to make sure you have the most scenic hike possible, so continue to ensure that you never step onto the same tile twice. What is the longest hike you can take?

In the example above, this increases the longest hike to 154 steps:


Find the longest hike you can take through the surprisingly dry hiking trails listed on your map. How many steps long is the longest hike?

type Pos struct {
	row, col int

type Edge struct {
	to     Pos
	length int

func readInput(filename string) [][]byte {
	data, err := os.ReadFile(filename)
	if err != nil {
		return [][]byte{}
	return bytes2grid(data)

func bytes2grid(data []byte) [][]byte {
	lines := strings.Split(strings.TrimSpace(string(data)), "\n")
	grid := make([][]byte, len(lines))
	for i, line := range lines {
		grid[i] = []byte(line)
	return grid

func findJunctions(grid [][]byte) []Pos {
	junctions := []Pos{}
	start := Pos{0, 1}
	end := Pos{len(grid) - 1, len(grid[0]) - 2}
	junctions = append(junctions, start, end)

	for r := 0; r < len(grid); r++ {
		for c := 0; c < len(grid[0]); c++ {
			if grid[r][c] == '#' {
			exits := 0
			for _, d := range [][2]int{ {0, 1}, {0, -1}, {1, 0}, {-1, 0} } {
				nr, nc := r+d[0], c+d[1]
				if nr >= 0 && nr < len(grid) &&
					nc >= 0 && nc < len(grid[0]) &&
					grid[nr][nc] != '#' {
			if exits > 2 {
				junctions = append(junctions, Pos{r, c})
	return junctions

func buildGraph(grid [][]byte, junctions []Pos) map[Pos][]Edge {
	graph := make(map[Pos][]Edge)
	moves := [][2]int{ {0, 1}, {0, -1}, {1, 0}, {-1, 0} }

	for _, j := range junctions {
		visited := make(map[Pos]bool)
		stack := []struct {
			pos    Pos
			length int
		}{ {j, 0} }
		visited[j] = true

		for len(stack) > 0 {
			curr := stack[len(stack)-1]
			stack = stack[:len(stack)-1]

			if curr.length != 0 {
				for _, other := range junctions {
					if curr.pos == other {
						graph[j] = append(graph[j], Edge{other, curr.length})
						goto nextPath

			for _, m := range moves {
				next := Pos{curr.pos.row + m[0], curr.pos.col + m[1]}
				if next.row >= 0 && next.row < len(grid) &&
					next.col >= 0 && next.col < len(grid[0]) &&
					grid[next.row][next.col] != '#' &&
					!visited[next] {
					visited[next] = true
					stack = append(stack, struct {
						pos    Pos
						length int
					}{next, curr.length + 1})
	return graph

func findLongestPath(graph map[Pos][]Edge, start, end Pos, visited map[Pos]bool) int {
	if start == end {
		return 0

	maxLength := -1
	visited[start] = true
	defer delete(visited, start)

	for _, edge := range graph[start] {
		if !visited[edge.to] {
			if length := findLongestPath(graph, edge.to, end, visited); length >= 0 {
				if maxLength < length+edge.length {
					maxLength = length + edge.length
	return maxLength

func solve(grid [][]byte) int {
	junctions := findJunctions(grid)
	graph := buildGraph(grid, junctions)
	start := Pos{0, 1}
	end := Pos{len(grid) - 1, len(grid[0]) - 2}
	return findLongestPath(graph, start, end, make(map[Pos]bool))

func main() {
	grid := readInput("input.txt")
	result := solve(grid)
	fmt.Println("Longest hike length without slope restrictions:", result)

If you’re new to Advent of Code, it’s an annual event that takes place throughout December, featuring a series of programming puzzles that get progressively more challenging as Christmas approaches.

Click to show the input