Elasticsearch Log Analysis
package main
import (
type logline struct {
IP net.IP `json:"ip"`
Latitude float64 `json:"latitude"`
Longitude float64 `json:"longitude"`
Country string `json:"country"`
ASN int `json:"asn"`
ASNOrganization string `json:"asn_organization"`
Timestamp time.Time `json:"timestamp"`
Frontend string `json:"frontend"`
Backend string `json:"backend"`
Server string `json:"server"`
ResponseCode int `json:"response_code"`
Host string `json:"host"`
URL string `json:"url"`
UserAgent string `json:"user_agent"`
Method string `json:"method"`
Protocol string `json:"protocol"`
func main() {
file, err := os.Open("haproxy.log")
if err != nil {
defer file.Close()
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(file)
dbasn, err := geoip2.Open("GeoLite2-ASN.mmdb")
if err != nil {
defer dbasn.Close()
dbcity, err := geoip2.Open("GeoLite2-City.mmdb")
if err != nil {
defer dbcity.Close()
es, err := elasticsearch.NewClient(elasticsearch.Config{
Addresses: []string{
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Error creating the client: %s", err)
_, err = es.Ping()
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Error pinging the elasticsearch servers: %s", err)
for scanner.Scan() {
log := scanner.Text()
temp := strings.SplitN(log, ":", 4)
if len(temp) < 4 {
log = strings.TrimLeft(temp[3], " ")
// IP
temp = strings.SplitN(log, ":", 2)
if len(temp) < 2 {
ip := net.ParseIP(temp[0])
temp2 := strings.SplitN(temp[1], "[", 2)
if len(temp2) < 2 {
log = temp2[1]
// Country, Latitude, Longitude
record, err := dbcity.City(ip)
if err != nil {
country := record.Country.IsoCode
latitude := record.Location.Latitude
longitude := record.Location.Longitude
// Autonomous System Number, Autonomous System Organization
recordASN, err := dbasn.ASN(ip)
if err != nil {
asn := recordASN.AutonomousSystemNumber
asnOrg := recordASN.AutonomousSystemOrganization
// Timestamp
temp = strings.SplitN(log, "]", 2)
layout := "02/Jan/2006:15:04:05.000"
timestamp, err := time.Parse(layout, temp[0])
if err != nil {
log = strings.TrimLeft(temp[1], " ")
// Frontend
temp = strings.SplitN(log, " ", 2)
frontend := strings.TrimRight(temp[0], "~")
log = temp[1]
// Backend/Server
temp = strings.SplitN(log, " ", 3)
temp2 = strings.SplitN(temp[0], "/", 2)
if len(temp2) < 2 {
backend := temp2[0]
server := temp2[1]
log = temp[2]
// Response Code
temp = strings.SplitN(log, " ", 7)
responseCode, err := strconv.Atoi(temp[0])
if err != nil {
log = temp[6]
// {Host|URL|UserAgent}
temp = strings.SplitN(log, "{", 2)
if len(temp) < 2 {
log = temp[1]
temp = strings.SplitN(log, "}", 2)
temp2 = strings.SplitN(temp[0], "|", 3)
host := temp2[0]
userAgent := temp2[2]
log = strings.TrimLeft(temp[1], " ")
// Method Url Protocol
temp = strings.SplitN(log, " ", 3)
if len(temp) < 3 {
method := strings.TrimLeft(temp[0], "\"")
url := strings.TrimLeft(temp[1], "\"")
protocol := strings.TrimRight(temp[2], "\"")
logline := logline{
IP: ip,
Latitude: latitude,
Longitude: longitude,
Country: country,
ASN: int(asn),
ASNOrganization: asnOrg,
Timestamp: timestamp,
Frontend: frontend,
Backend: backend,
Server: server,
ResponseCode: responseCode,
Host: host,
URL: url,
UserAgent: userAgent,
Method: method,
Protocol: protocol,
data, _ := json.Marshal(logline)
es.Index("incident", strings.NewReader(string(data)))
if err := scanner.Err(); err != nil {
mdadm Recovery
package main
import (
func main() {
input := []string{
permutations := generatePermutations(input)
for _, perm := range permutations {
if perm[4] != "missing" {
cmd := exec.Command(
"mdadm", "--create", "/dev/md0",
"--level=6", "--raid-devices=6",
perm[0], perm[1], perm[2], perm[3], perm[4], perm[5],
"--assume-clean", "--readonly",
cmd.Stdin = os.Stdin
cmd.Stdout = os.Stdout
cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr
err := cmd.Run()
if err != nil {
if exitError, ok := err.(*exec.ExitError); ok {
log.Printf("Command mdadm create finished with error (%d): \n\t%v\n", exitError.ExitCode(), exitError)
} else {
cmd = exec.Command(
"mount", "/dev/md0", "/root/data",
cmd.Stdin = os.Stdin
cmd.Stdout = os.Stdout
cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr
err = cmd.Run()
if err != nil {
if exitError, ok := err.(*exec.ExitError); ok {
log.Printf("Command mount finished with error (%d): \n\t%v\n", exitError.ExitCode(), exitError)
} else {
} else {
cmd = exec.Command(
"mdadm", "--stop", "/dev/md0",
cmd.Stdin = os.Stdin
cmd.Stdout = os.Stdout
cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr
err = cmd.Run()
if err != nil {
if exitError, ok := err.(*exec.ExitError); ok {
log.Printf("Command mdadm stop finished with error (%d): \n\t%v\n", exitError.ExitCode(), exitError)
} else {
func generatePermutations(arr []string) [][]string {
var helper func([]string, int)
res := [][]string{}
helper = func(arr []string, n int) {
if n == 1 {
tmp := make([]string, len(arr))
copy(tmp, arr)
res = append(res, tmp)
} else {
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
helper(arr, n-1)
if n%2 == 1 {
tmp := arr[i]
arr[i] = arr[n-1]
arr[n-1] = tmp
} else {
tmp := arr[0]
arr[0] = arr[n-1]
arr[n-1] = tmp
helper(arr, len(arr))
return res
namespace Task_2\Exceptions;
use Exception;
use Throwable;
class OutOfRangeLatitude extends Exception
private const MESSAGE = 'Latitude must be with the -90°,90° range';
public function __construct(string $message = "", int $code = 0, ?Throwable $previous = null)
$message = self::MESSAGE . ': ' . $message;
parent::__construct($message, $code, $previous);
namespace Task_2\Exceptions;
use Exception;
use Throwable;
class OutOfRangeLongitude extends Exception
private const MESSAGE = 'Longitude must be with the -180°,180° range';
public function __construct(string $message = "", int $code = 0, ?Throwable $previous = null)
$message = self::MESSAGE . ': ' . $message;
parent::__construct($message, $code, $previous);
namespace Task_2;
use Task_2\Exceptions\OutOfRangeLatitude;
use Task_2\Exceptions\OutOfRangeLongitude;
class Haversine
private const EARTH_RADIUS = 6371000;
private const COVERAGE_LIMIT = 10000;
public function __construct(
private float $lat1,
private float $lng1,
private float $lat2,
private float $lng2
) {
private function validatesInput(): void {
if ($this->lat1 < -90 || $this->lat1 > 90) {
throw new OutOfRangeLatitude((string)$this->lat1);
if ($this->lat2 < -90 || $this->lat2 > 90) {
throw new OutOfRangeLatitude((string)$this->lat2);
if ($this->lng1 < -180 || $this->lng1 > 180) {
throw new OutOfRangeLongitude((string)$this->lng1);
if ($this->lng2 < -180 || $this->lng2 > 180) {
throw new OutOfRangeLongitude((string)$this->lng2);
private function convertsDegreesToRadiants(): void {
$this->lat1 = deg2rad($this->lat1);
$this->lat2 = deg2rad($this->lat2);
$this->lng1 = deg2rad($this->lng1);
$this->lng2 = deg2rad($this->lng2);
* Calculate the distance between the given coordinates using the Haversine formula.
* The formula is shamelessly stolen from wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haversine_formula).
* The resulting value might be right or not.
* At first glance, nothing indicates something deeply wrong.
* Note of approximation: earth is not perfectly round,
* at the 45th parallel (used in the test cases) corrective factors might be necessary.
* @return float
public function calculate(): float
$latitudeDelta = $this->lat2 - $this->lat1;
$longitudeDelta = $this->lng2 - $this->lng1;
$partial1 = pow(sin(($latitudeDelta) / 2), 2);
$partial2 = cos($this->lat1) * cos($this->lat2) * pow(sin(($longitudeDelta) / 2), 2);
return 2 * self::EARTH_RADIUS * asin(sqrt($partial1 + $partial2));
public function isCovered(): bool
return $this->calculate() <= self::COVERAGE_LIMIT;
namespace Task_2;
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
class HaversineTest extends TestCase
private array $locations = [
['id' => 1010, 'zip_code' => '37169', 'lat' => 45.35, 'lng' => 10.84],
['id' => 1011, 'zip_code' => '37221', 'lat' => 45.44, 'lng' => 10.99],
['id' => 1012, 'zip_code' => '37229', 'lat' => 45.44, 'lng' => 11.00],
['id' => 1013, 'zip_code' => '37233', 'lat' => 45.43, 'lng' => 11.02],
private array $shoppers = [
['id' => 'X1', 'lat' => 45.46, 'lng' => 11.03, 'enabled' => true],
['id' => 'X2', 'lat' => 45.46, 'lng' => 10.12, 'enabled' => true],
['id' => 'X3', 'lat' => 45.34, 'lng' => 10.81, 'enabled' => true],
['id' => 'X4', 'lat' => 45.76, 'lng' => 10.57, 'enabled' => true],
['id' => 'X5', 'lat' => 45.34, 'lng' => 10.63, 'enabled' => true],
['id' => 'X6', 'lat' => 45.42, 'lng' => 10.81, 'enabled' => true],
['id' => 'X7', 'lat' => 45.34, 'lng' => 10.94, 'enabled' => true],
public function testCalculate(): void
foreach ($this->locations as $location) {
foreach ($this->shoppers as $shopper) {
$haversine = new Haversine($location['lat'], $location['lng'], $shopper['lat'], $shopper['lng']);
$this->assertTrue($haversine->calculate() > 0);
public function testIsCovered(): void
$totalCovered = 0;
$shopperPercentage = [];
foreach ($this->shoppers as $shopper) {
$shopperCount = 0;
foreach ($this->locations as $location) {
$haversine = new Haversine($location['lat'], $location['lng'], $shopper['lat'], $shopper['lng']);
if ($haversine->isCovered()) {
$shopperPercentage[] = [
'shopper_id' => $shopper['id'],
'coverage' => $shopperCount / count($this->locations) * 100,
usort($shopperPercentage, function ($shopperA, $shopperB) {
if ($shopperA['coverage'] < $shopperB['coverage']) {
return 1;
} elseif ($shopperA['coverage'] > $shopperB['coverage']) {
return -1;
} else {
return 0;
print_r(json_encode($shopperPercentage, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT));
$this->assertEquals(6, $totalCovered);
Abstract Fs
namespace Task_1\Exceptions;
use Exception;
use Throwable;
class IllegalNameException extends Exception
private const MESSAGE = 'Directory names consist only of English alphabet letters';
public function __construct(string $message = "", int $code = 0, ?Throwable $previous = null)
$message = self::MESSAGE . ': ' . $message;
parent::__construct($message, $code, $previous);
namespace Task_1\Exceptions;
use Exception;
use Throwable;
class InvalidRootException extends Exception
private const MESSAGE = 'Root must be /';
public function __construct(string $message = "", int $code = 0, ?Throwable $previous = null)
$message = self::MESSAGE . ': ' . $message;
parent::__construct($message, $code, $previous);
namespace Task_1;
interface FilesystemAdapter
public function cd(string $path): void;
public function getCurrentPath(): string;
namespace Task_1;
use Task_1\Exceptions\IllegalNameException;
use Task_1\Exceptions\InvalidRootException;
class Path implements FilesystemAdapter
private string $currentPath;
private string $nextPath;
public function __construct(string $path = '')
* Change the current path of the class.
* Normalize the path in order to remove the "traverse to parent directory" characters.
* Validates the given path for correctness (with basic regexes).
* @param string $path
* @return void
* @throws IllegalNameException
* @throws InvalidRootException
public function cd(string $path): void
$this->nextPath = $this->getCurrentPath() . '/' . $this->normalizeSlashes($path);
$this->currentPath = $this->nextPath;
public function getCurrentPath(): string
return $this->currentPath ?? '';
private function validateNextPath(): void
if ($this->nextPath === '/') {
if (!str_starts_with($this->nextPath, '/')) {
throw new InvalidRootException($this->nextPath);
if (preg_match('/^(\/([A-Za-z]+|\.\.))+\/?$/', $this->nextPath) !== 1) {
throw new IllegalNameException($this->nextPath);
private function validateNormalizedPath(): void
if ($this->nextPath === '/') {
if (!str_starts_with($this->nextPath, '/')) {
throw new InvalidRootException($this->nextPath);
if (preg_match('/^(\/[A-Za-z]+)+$/', $this->nextPath) !== 1) {
throw new IllegalNameException($this->nextPath);
private function normalizeNextPath(): void
$count = 0;
$this->nextPath = preg_replace('/\/[A-Za-z]+\/\.\./', '', $this->nextPath, 1, $count);
if ($this->nextPath === '') {
$this->nextPath = '/';
if ($count !== 0) {
private function normalizeSlashes(string $path): string
return ltrim(rtrim($path, '/'), '/');
namespace Task_1;
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
class PathTest extends TestCase
public function testGiven(): void
$path = new Path('/a/b/c/d');
$this->assertEquals('/a/b/c/x', $path->getCurrentPath());
public function testRoot(): void
$path = new Path();
$this->assertEquals('/', $path->getCurrentPath());
$path = new Path('');
$this->assertEquals('/', $path->getCurrentPath());
$path = new Path('/');
$this->assertEquals('/', $path->getCurrentPath());
public function testEscape(): void
new Path('/../../');
public function testMultipleTraversals(): void
$path = new Path('/aa/bb/../cc/');
$this->assertEquals('/aa/xx/dd', $path->getCurrentPath());
Vuln Server
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <winsock.h>
#define IP_ADDRESS ""
#define PORT_NUMBER 31337
#define BUF_SIZE 2048
void process(SOCKET);
void main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
SOCKET sock;
SOCKET new_sock;
struct sockaddr_in sa;
WSADATA wsaData;
if (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 0), &wsaData) != 0) {
fprintf(stderr,"WSAStartup() failed");
printf("Initializing the server...\n");
memset(&sa, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
sa.sin_family = AF_INET;
// bind to a specific address
//sa.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(IP_ADDRESS);
// bind to all addresses
sa.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);
sa.sin_port = htons(PORT_NUMBER);
sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
if (sock < 0) {
printf("Could not create socket server...\n");
if (bind(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&sa, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)) == SOCKET_ERROR) {
printf("Could not bind socket...\n");
printf("Listening for connections...\n");
listen(sock, 10);
while (1) {
new_sock = accept(sock, NULL, NULL);
printf("Client connected\n");
if (new_sock < 0) {
printf("Error waiting for new connection!\n");
void process(SOCKET sock) {
char* tmp;
char buf[1024]; // whoops! should've used the defined BUF_SIZE here
int i;
memset(&buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
tmp = malloc(BUF_SIZE);
i = recv(sock, tmp, BUF_SIZE-1, 0);
tmp[i+1] = '\x00';
// this would be alright if buf and tmp were the same size
strcpy(&buf, tmp);
// print data
printf("Got message:\n%s\n", buf);
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#define IP_ADDRESS ""
#define PORT_NUMBER 31337
#define BUF_SIZE 2048
void process(int);
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
int sock;
int new_sock;
int cli_len;
struct sockaddr_in sa, ca;
printf("Initializing the server...\n");
memset(&sa, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
memset(&ca, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
sa.sin_family = AF_INET;
// bind to a specific address
//sa.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(IP_ADDRESS);
// bind to all addresses
sa.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
sa.sin_port = htons(PORT_NUMBER);
sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
if (sock < 0) {
printf("Could not create socket server...\n");
if (bind(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&sa, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)) < 0) {
printf("Could not bind socket...\n");
printf("Listening for connections...\n");
listen(sock, 10);
while (1) {
cli_len = sizeof(ca);
new_sock = accept(sock, (struct sockaddr *) &ca, &cli_len);
printf("Client connected\n");
if (new_sock < 0) {
printf("Error waiting for new connection!\n");
return 0;
void process(int sock) {
char* tmp;
char buf[1024]; // whoops! should've used the defined BUF_SIZE here
int i;
memset(&buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
tmp = malloc(BUF_SIZE);
i = recv(sock, tmp, BUF_SIZE-1, 0);
tmp[i+1] = '\x00';
// this would be alright if buf and tmp were the same size
strcpy(&buf, tmp);
// ergh... seg fault would be detected here on free by gcc
// print data
printf("Got message:\n%s\n", buf);
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <winsock.h>
#define IP_ADDRESS ""
#define PORT_NUMBER 31337
#define PASSWORD "im_so_lonely\n"
#define BUF_SIZE 128
int auth(SOCKET);
void main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
SOCKET sock;
SOCKET new_sock;
struct sockaddr_in sa;
WSADATA wsaData;
if (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 0), &wsaData) != 0) {
fprintf(stderr,"WSAStartup() failed");
printf("Initializing the server...\n");
memset(&sa, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
sa.sin_family = AF_INET;
// bind to a specific address
//sa.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(IP_ADDRESS);
// bind to all addresses
sa.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);
sa.sin_port = htons(PORT_NUMBER);
sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
if (sock < 0) {
printf("Could not create socket server...\n");
if (bind(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&sa, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)) == SOCKET_ERROR) {
printf("Could not bind socket...\n");
printf("Listening for connections...\n");
listen(sock, 10);
while (1) {
new_sock = accept(sock, NULL, NULL);
printf("Client connected\n");
if (new_sock < 0) {
printf("Error waiting for new connection!\n");
if (auth(new_sock)) {
send(new_sock, "\n***Access granted***\n\n", 23, 0);
printf("\n***Access granted***\n\n");
else {
send(new_sock, "\n***Access denied***\n\n", 22, 0);
printf("\n***Access denied***\n\n");
int auth(SOCKET sock) {
char buf[BUF_SIZE];
int i = 0;
int res;
memset(&buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
// send prompt
send(sock, "Enter Password: ", 16, 0);
// read data
i = recv(sock, buf, BUF_SIZE - 1, 0);
buf[i] = 0;
if (strcmp(buf, PASSWORD) == 0)
res = 1;
res = 0;
// print data
printf("Got password: ");
return res;
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <winsock.h>
#define IP_ADDRESS ""
#define PORT_NUMBER 31337
#define BUF_SIZE 1461
void process(SOCKET);
void main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
SOCKET sock;
SOCKET new_sock;
struct sockaddr_in sa;
WSADATA wsaData;
if (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 0), &wsaData) != 0) {
fprintf(stderr,"WSAStartup() failed");
printf("Initializing the server...\n");
memset(&sa, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
sa.sin_family = AF_INET;
// bind to a specific address
//sa.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(IP_ADDRESS);
// bind to all addresses
sa.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);
sa.sin_port = htons(PORT_NUMBER);
sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
if (sock < 0) {
printf("Could not create socket server...\n");
if (bind(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&sa, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)) == SOCKET_ERROR) {
printf("Could not bind socket...\n");
printf("Listening for connections...\n");
listen(sock, 10);
while (1) {
new_sock = accept(sock, NULL, NULL);
printf("Client connected\n");
if (new_sock < 0) {
printf("Error waiting for new connection!\n");
void process(SOCKET sock) {
char buf[BUF_SIZE];
int i = 0;
memset(&buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
// read data
i = recv(sock, buf, BUF_SIZE - 1, 0);
buf[i] = 0;
// print data
printf("Got message: ");
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# dw-maildirtombox.pl
# dw = Dovecot Wiki :-)
# NOTE! The output file must not contain single quotes (')!
# figure out which program to run
$cmd="reformail -f1";
system("$cmd </dev/null >/dev/null 2>/dev/null") == 0 or $cmd="formail";
system("$cmd </dev/null >/dev/null 2>/dev/null") == 0
or die "cannot find reformail or formail on your \$PATH!\nAborting";
if (($outputfile eq '') || ($dir eq ''))
{ die "Usage: ./archivemail.pl mailbox outputfile\nAborting"; }
if (!stat("Maildir/$dir/cur") || !stat("Maildir/$dir/new"))
{ die "Maildir/$dir is not a maildir.\nAborting"; }
@files = (<Maildir/$dir/cur/*>,<Maildir/$dir/new/*>);
foreach $file (@files) {
next unless -f $file; # skip non-regular files
next unless -s $file; # skip empty files
next unless -r $file; # skip unreadable files
$file =~ s/'/'"'"'/; # escape ' (single quote)
$run = "cat '$file' | $cmd >>'$outputfile'";
system($run) == 0 or warn "cannot run \"$run\".";
Aslr Rop
Uint8Array.prototype.rop = function(t) {
function d(r,o,p) {
if (r!=t[0]) return 0;
for (q=0;q<t.length;q++) {
if (undefined==t[q]) continue;
if (p[o+q]!=t[q]) return 0;
return 1; }
return this.findIndex(d);
module = new Uint8Array(0x370000)
write( addr(module)+slots, leakModuleBase() )
rop1 = module.rop([0xe8, ,,,, 0xcc])
rop3 = module.rop([c0, 01, ce, ff, c3, 01])
Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
config.vm.box = "debian/testing64"
config.vm.box_check_update = false
config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |vb|
vb.gui = false
vb.memory = "2048"
config.vm.provision "shell", inline: <<-SHELL
apt-get update
apt-get install -y build-essential autoconf automake binutils-dev
apt-get install -y gettext autopoint
apt-get install -y libcrypto++-dev libgeoip-dev libupnp-dev zlib1g-dev
apt-get install -y libwxbase3.0-dev libwxgtk3.0-dev
/vagrant/configure \
--enable-debug \
--enable-xas \
--enable-fileview \
--enable-plasmamule \
--enable-mmap \
--enable-optimize \
--enable-upnp \
--without-boost \
--enable-geoip \
--enable-webserver \
--enable-monolithic \
--enable-amule-daemon \
--enable-amulecmd \
--enable-cas \
--enable-alcc \
--enable-amule-gui \
--enable-alc \
make -C /vagrant
ssl_conf = ssl_sect
system_default = system_default_sect
MinProtocol = TLSv1.2
# Hardening
Ciphersuites = TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256:TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384:TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256
Options = ServerPreference,PrioritizeChaCha
RecordPadding = 16384
(($) ->
$.fn.deblobber = (options) ->
$(this).find('video').each ->
videoURL = $(this).attr('src')
loadFile = (url) ->
req = new XMLHttpRequest
reqSuccess = ->
if req.readyState == 4 and req.status == 200
vid = URL.createObjectURL(videoBlob)
console.log vid
console.error req.statusText
reqError = ->
console.error @statusText
console.log ':-( error.'
req.onload = reqSuccess
req.onerror = reqError
req.open 'GET', url, true
req.responseType = 'blob'
req.send null
loadFile videoURL
) jQuery
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#define DEBUG 0
#define CHECK 0 /* don't bother checking bin for validity... */
//----------------Wave Stuff---------------------/
typedef unsigned char BYTE1 ;
typedef unsigned short int BYTE2 ;
typedef unsigned long int BYTE4 ;
typedef struct wavHdr {
BYTE1 riff[4];
BYTE4 bytestoend;
BYTE1 wavetxt[4];
BYTE1 fmttxt[4];
BYTE4 formatsize; // 16 byte format specifier
BYTE2 format; // Windows PCM
BYTE2 channels; // 2 channels
BYTE4 samplerate; // 44,100 Samples/sec
BYTE4 avgbyterate; // 176,400 Bytes/sec
BYTE2 samplebytes; // 4 bytes/sample
BYTE2 channelbits; // 16 bits/channel
BYTE1 datatxt[4];
BYTE4 blocksize;
} tWavHead;
#define HEADBYTES 36
#define WINDOWS_PCM 0x0001
/* G L O B A L D E F I N E S */
#define byte unsigned char
#define SIZERAW 2352
#define SIZEISO_MODE1 2048
#define SIZEISO_MODE2_RAW 2352
#define SIZEISO_MODE2_FORM1 2048
#define SIZEISO_MODE2_FORM2 2336
#define AUDIO 0
#define MODE1 1
#define MODE2 2
#define MODE1_2352 10
#define MODE2_2352 20
#define MODE1_2048 30
#define MODE2_2336 40
#define RAWDATA FF // using this for leftover data when truncating for non-overburn
#define PROG_INTERVAL 1024
#define UNKNOWN -1
#define OFFSET 150
// got this from easycd pro by looking at a blank disk so it may be off...
#define CD74_MAX_SECTORS 334873 // 653.75 Mb
unsigned long int Index(char m, char s, char f)
unsigned long int temp;
temp = (((m>>4)*10) + (m&0xf)) * 60;
temp = ( temp + (((s>>4)*10) + (s&0xf))) * 75;
temp = temp + (((f>>4)*10) + (f&0xf));
// printf("\n%d%d %d%d %d%d = %06d", m>>4, m&f, s>>4, s&f, f>>4, f&f, temp);
return temp;
void unIndex(unsigned long int index, char *ptr)
char m, s, f;
f = (char) (index % 75);
s = (char) ((index/75) % 60);
m = (char) (index/(75*60));
sprintf(ptr, "%d%d:%d%d:%d%d", m/10, m%10, s/10, s%10, f/10, f%10);
// global variables
FILE* fdBinFile;
FILE* fdCueFile;
FILE* fdOutFile;
char sBinFilename[256];
char sOutFilename[256];
unsigned long int writepos = 0; // for inplace conversions...
#define OUTBUF_SIZE 4*1024*1024
#define INBUF_SIZE 4*1024*1024
unsigned char OUTBUF[OUTBUF_SIZE];
unsigned int OUTBUF_IDX = 0;
unsigned char INBUF[INBUF_SIZE];
unsigned int INBUF_RIDX = 0;
unsigned int INBUF_WIDX = 0;
int mode2to1 = 0;
typedef struct track
unsigned short mode;
unsigned long idx0;
unsigned long idx1;
unsigned char num[3];
unsigned char name[80];
unsigned long offset0;
unsigned long offset1;
unsigned long size; /* track size in bytes */
} tTrack;
bool buffered_fread(unsigned char *array, unsigned int size) {
unsigned int i;
if(INBUF_WIDX == 0) {
INBUF_WIDX += fread( INBUF, 1, (INBUF_SIZE/size)*size, fdBinFile );
if(INBUF_WIDX == 0) return false; // read failed.
for(i = 0; i< size; i++)
array[i] = INBUF[INBUF_RIDX++];
if((INBUF_RIDX == INBUF_WIDX) && (i < (size -1))) {
printf(" Warning: Premature EOF\n");
while(i++ < size) { array[i] == 0; }/* zero fill the rest */
return true; // read passed
void buffered_fwrite(unsigned char *array, unsigned int size) {
unsigned int idx;
unsigned long int readpos;
if(fdOutFile == fdBinFile) {
readpos = ftell(fdOutFile);
if(0 != fseek(fdOutFile, writepos, SEEK_SET)) {
perror("\nbin2iso(fseek)"); exit(1);
// printf("\nWriting \n");
if( 1 != fwrite( OUTBUF, OUTBUF_IDX, 1, fdOutFile )) {
// remove(sOutFilename);
if( 1 != fwrite( array, size, 1, fdOutFile )) {
// remove(sOutFilename);
// printf("\nWrote %d bytes \n", OUTBUF_IDX+size);
if(fdOutFile == fdBinFile) {
writepos = ftell(fdOutFile);
if(0 != fseek(fdOutFile, readpos, SEEK_SET)) {
perror("\nbin2iso(fseek)"); exit(1);
} else {
for(idx = 0; idx < size; idx++) {
OUTBUF[OUTBUF_IDX + idx] = array[idx];
void flush_buffers(void)
unsigned long int readpos;
if(fdOutFile == fdBinFile) {
readpos = ftell(fdOutFile);
if(0 != fseek(fdOutFile, writepos, SEEK_SET)) {
perror("\nbin2iso(fseek)"); exit(1);
if( 1 != fwrite( OUTBUF, OUTBUF_IDX, 1, fdOutFile )) {
// remove(sOutFilename);
// printf("\nWrote %d bytes \n", OUTBUF_IDX);
if(fdOutFile == fdBinFile) {
writepos = ftell(fdOutFile);
if(0 != fseek(fdOutFile, readpos, SEEK_SET)) {
perror("\nbin2iso(fseek)"); exit(1);
// presumes Line is preloaded with the "current" line of the file
int getTrackinfo(char *Line, tTrack *track)
// char tnum[3];
char inum[3];
char min;
char sec;
char block;
track->idx0 = -1;
track->idx1 = -1;
// Get the 'mode'
if (strncmp(&Line[2], "TRACK ", 6)==0)
strncpy(track->num, &Line[8], 2); track->num[2] = '\0';
track->mode = UNKNOWN;
if(strncmp(&Line[11], "AUDIO", 5)==0) track->mode = AUDIO;
if(strncmp(&Line[11], "MODE1/2352", 10)==0) track->mode = MODE1_2352;
if(strncmp(&Line[11], "MODE1/2048", 10)==0) track->mode = MODE1_2048;
if(strncmp(&Line[11], "MODE2/2352", 10)==0) track->mode = MODE2_2352;
if(strncmp(&Line[11], "MODE2/2336", 10)==0) track->mode = MODE2_2336;
else return(1);
// Set the name
strcpy(track->name, sBinFilename);
track->name[strlen(sBinFilename)-4] = '\0';
strcat(track->name, "-");
strcat(track->name, track->num);
if( (track->mode == MODE1_2352) ||
(track->mode == MODE1_2048) ||
(track->mode == MODE2_2352) ||
(track->mode == MODE2_2336) )
strcat(track->name, ".iso");
} else if(track->mode == AUDIO) {
strcat(track->name, ".wav");
} else {
printf("Track %d Unsupported mode\n", track->num);
// Get the track indexes
while(1) {
if(! fgets( Line, 256, fdCueFile ) ) { break; }
if (strncmp(&Line[2], "TRACK ", 6)==0)
break; // next track starting
if (strncmp(&Line[4], "INDEX ", 6)==0)
strncpy(inum, &Line[10], 2); inum[2] = '\0';
min = ((Line[13]-'0')<<4) | (Line[14]-'0');
sec = ((Line[16]-'0')<<4) | (Line[17]-'0');
block = ((Line[19]-'0')<<4) | (Line[20]-'0');
if(strcmp(inum, "00")==0) track->idx0 = Index(min, sec, block);
else if(strcmp(inum, "01")==0) track->idx1 = Index(min, sec, block);
else { printf("Unexpected Index number: %s\n", inum); exit(1); }
else if (strncmp(&Line[4], "PREGAP ", 7)==0) { ; /* ignore, handled below */ }
else if (strncmp(&Line[4], "FLAGS ", 6)==0) { ; /* ignore */ }
else { printf("Unexpected cuefile line: %s\n", Line); }
if(track->idx0 == -1) track->idx0 = track->idx1;
if(track->idx1 == -1) track->idx1 = track->idx0;
void dotrack(short mode, long preidx, long startidx, long endidx, unsigned long offset)
unsigned char buf[SIZERAW+100];
unsigned long blockswritten = 0;
unsigned int uiLastIndex;
unsigned int uiCurrentIndex;
unsigned int write = 1;
tWavHead wavhead = { "RIFF",
"fmt ",
16, // 16 byte format specifier
WINDOWS_PCM, // format
2, // 2 Channels
44100, // 44,100 Samples/sec
176400, // 176,400 Bytes/sec
4, // 4 bytes/sample
16, // 16 bits/channel
0 };
uiLastIndex = startidx-1;
// Input -- process -- Output
if(startidx != 0) printf("\nNote: PreGap = %d frames\n", startidx-preidx);
else printf("\nNote: PreGap = %d frames\n", OFFSET); // cd standard: starting offset
// - of course this isn't true for bootable cd's...
if(sOutFilename[0] != '\0') {
printf("Creating %s (%06d,%06d) ", sOutFilename, startidx, endidx-1);
} else {
printf("Converting (%06d,%06d) ", startidx, endidx-1);
case AUDIO:
case MODE1_2352:
case MODE2_2336:
case MODE2_2352:
if(mode2to1 != 1)
case MODE1_2048:
printf("Huh? What's going on?");
printf(" : ");
if(sOutFilename[0] != '\0') {
if(NULL == (fdOutFile = fopen (sOutFilename, "wb"))) {
// printf("\nOpened File %s: %d\n", sOutFilename, fdOutFile);
} else {
fdOutFile = fdBinFile;
if (fdOutFile == NULL) { printf (" Unable to create %s\n", sOutFilename); exit (1); }
if(0 != fseek(fdBinFile, offset, SEEK_SET)) {
perror("\nbin2iso(fseek)"); exit(1);
#if (DEBUG == 0)
if(mode == AUDIO) {
if( 1 != fwrite( &wavhead, sizeof(wavhead), 1, fdOutFile ) ) { // write placeholder
// remove(sOutFilename);
memset( &buf[0], '\0', sizeof( buf ) );
if(mode == MODE2_2336) {
unsigned int M = 0, S = 2, F = 0;
while( buffered_fread( &buf[16], SIZEISO_MODE2_FORM2) ) {
//setup headed area (probably not necessary though...
//buf[0] = 0;
memset( &buf[1], 0xFF, sizeof(buf[0])*10 );
//buf[11] = 0;
buf[12] = M;
buf[13] = S;
buf[14] = F;
buf[15] = MODE2;
if((++F&0xF) == 0xA) F += 6;
if(F == 0x75) { S++; F = 0; }
if((S&0xF) == 0xA) S += 6;
if(S == 0x60) { M++; S = 0; }
if((M&0xF) == 0xA) M += 6;
// printf("\n%x:%x:%x", M, S, F);
buffered_fwrite( buf, SIZERAW );
memset( &buf[0], '\0', sizeof( buf ) );
if (startidx%PROG_INTERVAL == 0) { printf("\b\b\b\b\b\b%06d", startidx); }
if (++startidx == endidx) { printf("\b\b\b\b\b\bComplete\n"); break; }
} else if (mode == MODE1_2048) {
while( buffered_fread( buf, SIZEISO_MODE1) ) {
buffered_fwrite( buf, SIZEISO_MODE1 );
if (startidx%PROG_INTERVAL == 0) { printf("\b\b\b\b\b\b%06d", startidx); }
if (++startidx == endidx) { printf("\b\b\b\b\b\bComplete\n"); break; }
} else {
while( buffered_fread( buf, SIZERAW) ) {
switch(mode) {
case AUDIO:
#if (DEBUG == 0)
buffered_fwrite( buf, SIZERAW );
case MODE1_2352:
// should put a crc check in here...
if( buf[15] != MODE1)
printf("\nWarning: Mode Error in bin file!\n");
printf(" %02x:%02x:%02x : mode %02x\n", buf[12], buf[13], buf[14], buf[15] );
uiCurrentIndex = Index(buf[12], buf[13], buf[14]) - OFFSET;
if(uiCurrentIndex != uiLastIndex+1)
printf("\nWarning: Frame Error in bin file!\n");
printf("Last %02d:%02d:%02d (%d)\n", ((uiLastIndex+OFFSET)/75)/60, ((uiLastIndex+OFFSET)/75)%60, (uiLastIndex+OFFSET)%75, uiLastIndex );
printf("Current %02x:%02x:%02x (%d)\n", buf[12], buf[13], buf[14], uiCurrentIndex );
printf("Expecting %02d:%02d:%02d (%d)\n", ((uiLastIndex+OFFSET+1)/75)/60, ((uiLastIndex+OFFSET+1)/75)%60, (uiLastIndex+OFFSET+1)%75, uiLastIndex+1 );
#if (DEBUG == 0)
buffered_fwrite( &buf[16], SIZEISO_MODE1 );
uiLastIndex = uiCurrentIndex;
case MODE2_2352:
if( (buf[15]&0xf) != MODE2)
printf("\nWarning: Mode Error in bin file!\n");
printf(" %02x:%02x:%02x : mode %02x\n", buf[12], buf[13], buf[14], buf[15] );
uiCurrentIndex = Index(buf[12], buf[13], buf[14]) - OFFSET;
if(uiCurrentIndex != uiLastIndex+1)
printf("\nWarning: Frame Error in bin file!\n");
printf("Last %02d:%02d:%02d (%d)\n", ((uiLastIndex+OFFSET)/75)/60, ((uiLastIndex+OFFSET)/75)%60, (uiLastIndex+OFFSET)%75, uiLastIndex );
printf("Current %02x:%02x:%02x (%d)\n", buf[12], buf[13], buf[14], uiCurrentIndex );
printf("Expecting %02d:%02d:%02d (%d)\n", ((uiLastIndex+OFFSET+1)/75)/60, ((uiLastIndex+OFFSET+1)/75)%60, (uiLastIndex+OFFSET+1)%75, uiLastIndex+1 );
#if (DEBUG == 0)
if(mode2to1) buffered_fwrite( &buf[16+8], SIZEISO_MODE1 );
else if(write) buffered_fwrite( &buf[0], SIZEISO_MODE2_RAW );
uiLastIndex = uiCurrentIndex;
printf("Unkown Mode\n"); exit(1);
memset( &buf[0], '\0', sizeof( buf ) );
if (startidx%PROG_INTERVAL == 0) { printf("\b\b\b\b\b\b%06d", startidx); }
if (++startidx == endidx) { printf("\b\b\b\b\b\bComplete\n"); break; }
flush_buffers(); // flushes write buffer
// and clears read buffer.
if(mode == AUDIO) {
wavhead.blocksize = blockswritten*SIZERAW;
wavhead.bytestoend = wavhead.blocksize + HEADBYTES;
// rewind to the beginning
if(0 != fseek(fdOutFile, 0, SEEK_SET)) {
perror("\nbin2iso(fseek)"); exit(1);
#if (DEBUG == 0)
fwrite( &wavhead, sizeof(wavhead), 1, fdOutFile );
void doCueFile(void) {
int track = 1;
unsigned long int binIndex = 0;
unsigned long int trackIndex = 0;
const int gapThreshold = 20; // look for 0.266 sec gap
const int valueThreshold = 800; // look for samples < 700
int count = 0;
int i, blank;
int gapon = 0;
short value;
char mode[12] = "AUDIO";
char index0[9] = "00:00:00";
char index1[9] = "00:00:00";
unsigned char buf[SIZERAW+100];
printf( "FILE %s BINARY\n", sBinFilename);
fprintf(fdCueFile, "FILE %s BINARY\n", sBinFilename);
memset( buf, '\0', sizeof( buf ) );
while( fread( buf, 1, SIZERAW, fdBinFile ) ) {
if(trackIndex == 0) {
if ( (buf[0] == 0x00) &&
(buf[1] == 0xFF) &&
(buf[2] == 0xFF) &&
(buf[3] == 0xFF) &&
(buf[4] == 0xFF) &&
(buf[5] == 0xFF) &&
(buf[6] == 0xFF) &&
(buf[7] == 0xFF) &&
(buf[8] == 0xFF) &&
(buf[9] == 0xFF) &&
(buf[10] == 0xFF) &&
(buf[11] == 0x00)
) {
sprintf(mode, "MODE%d/2352", buf[15]);
} else {
sprintf(mode, "AUDIO");
if(binIndex == 0) {
printf( " TRACK %02d %s\n", track, mode);
fprintf(fdCueFile, " TRACK %02d %s\n", track, mode);
printf( " INDEX 01 %s\n", index0);
fprintf(fdCueFile, " INDEX 01 %s\n", index0);
blank = 1;
for(i = 0; i < SIZERAW; i+=2) {
value = buf[i+1];
value = ((value << 8) | buf[i]);
// printf("%f %i\n",(1.0/75)*binIndex, value);
if(abs(value) > valueThreshold) {
blank = 0;
// if(i == SIZERAW) printf("%f ~blank~\n", (1.0/75)*binIndex);
if(blank == 1) count++;
else if (gapon == 1) {
gapon = 0;
unIndex(binIndex-count, index0);
count = 0;
unIndex(binIndex, index1);
printf( " TRACK %02d %s\n", track, mode);
fprintf(fdCueFile, " TRACK %02d %s\n", track, mode);
printf( " INDEX 00 %s\n", index0);
fprintf(fdCueFile, " INDEX 00 %s\n", index0);
printf( " INDEX 01 %s\n", index1);
fprintf(fdCueFile, " INDEX 01 %s\n", index1);
if((count > gapThreshold) && (gapon == 0)) {
gapon = 1; track++;
trackIndex = -1;
memset( buf, '\0', sizeof( buf ) );
// return 0 to when no data found, 1 when there is.
int checkGaps(FILE *fdBinFile, tTrack tracks[], int nTracks) {
int i, k;
unsigned long int j;
unsigned char buf[SIZERAW];
int c = 0;
int writegap = 0;
short value;
int count;
if(nTracks == 2) { return 0; }; // don't need to bother with single track images
printf("Checking gap data:\n");
for (i = 0; i < nTracks; i++) {
if((tracks[i].offset0 != tracks[i].offset1) && (tracks[i-1].mode == AUDIO)) {
if(0 != fseek(fdBinFile, tracks[i].offset0, SEEK_SET)) {
perror("\nbin2iso(fseek)"); exit(1);
count = 0;
for(j = tracks[i].idx0; j < tracks[i].idx1; j++) {
if(0 == fread( buf, SIZERAW, 1, fdBinFile ) ) {
for(k = 0; k < SIZERAW; k+=2) {
value = buf[k+1];
value = ((value << 8) | buf[k]);
if(value != 0) {
// printf("%10d: %2x\n", count ,value );
if(count != 0) {
printf(" Track%02d - %d values of Non-Zero gap data encountered\n", i-1, count);
if((count > SIZERAW/2/2) && (writegap == 0)) {
printf(" -->Threashold reached\n"); writegap = 1;
return writegap;
/* /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ */
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
unsigned long int count = 0;
// int printon = 0;
char sLine[256];
int i,j,q;
// int writegap = -1; // auto detect pregap data action by default.
int writegap = 1; // keep pregap data by default.
int no_overburn = 0;
int createCue = 0;
char sTrack[3] = "00";
int doOneTrack = 0;
int doInPlace = 0;
tTrack trackA;
tTrack trackB;
tTrack tracks[100];
int nTracks = 0;
char sOutdir[192];
sOutFilename[0] = '\0';
/* Tell them what I am. */
printf ("\n%s, %s", __DATE__, __TIME__);
printf ("\nbin2iso V1.9b - Converts RAW format (.bin) files to ISO/WAV format");
printf ("\n Bob Doiron, ICQ#280251 \n");
printf ("\nCheck for updates at http://users.andara.com/~doiron\n\n");
if(argc < 2) {
printf("Usage: bin2iso <cuefile> [<output dir>] [-[a]wg] [-t XX] [-i] [-nob]\n");
printf("or : bin2iso <cuefile> -c <binfile>\n");
printf(" <cuefile> - the .cue file that belongs to the .bin file to \n");
printf(" be converted\n");
printf(" <output dir> - the output directory (defaults to current dir) \n");
printf(" -nwg - indicates that audio data found in the track \n");
printf(" 'gaps' shouldn't be appended to the audio tracks\n");
printf(" -awg - looks for non-zero data in the 'gaps', if found\n");
printf(" then gaps are appended to audio tracks. Looks \n");
printf(" for more than 1/2 of a sector of non-zero values\n");
printf(" (%d values), \n", SIZERAW/2/2);
printf(" -t XX - Extracts the XX'th track. \n");
printf(" -i - Performs the conversion 'in place'. Meaning it \n");
printf(" truncates the binfile after each track is \n");
printf(" created to minimize diskspace requirements. \n");
printf(" [not valid with -t] \n");
printf(" -nob - Doesn't use overburn data past %ld sectors. \n", CD74_MAX_SECTORS);
printf(" This of course presumes that the data is not \n");
printf(" useful. \n");
printf(" -c - Attempts to create a <cuefile> from an existing\n");
printf(" <binfile> \n");
exit (1);
strcpy(sOutdir, "./"); // default path
for (i=2; i < argc; i++) {
if (argv[i][0] == '-') {
/* if (strncmp(&(argv[i][1]), "wg", 2)==0) {
writegap = 1;
} else */
if (strncmp(&(argv[i][1]), "awg", 3)==0) {
writegap = -1;
printf("Note: Auto-detecting pregap data\n");
} else if (strncmp(&(argv[i][1]), "nwg", 3)==0) {
writegap = 0;
} else if (strncmp(&(argv[i][1]), "m2to1", 5)==0) {
mode2to1 = 1;
printf("Note: Converting Mode2 ISO to Mode1\n");
} else if (strncmp(&(argv[i][1]), "t", 1)==0) {
strcpy(sTrack, argv[i+1]);
doOneTrack = 1;
} else if (strncmp(&(argv[i][1]), "i", 1)==0) {
if(doOneTrack == 1) { printf("Invalid combination of options...\n"); exit(1); }
printf("Bin file will be truncated after each track created\n");
doInPlace = 1;
} else if (strncmp(&(argv[i][1]), "c", 1)==0) {
createCue = 1;
strcpy(sBinFilename, argv[i+1]);
} else if (strncmp(&(argv[i][1]), "nob", 3)==0) {
no_overburn = 1;
} else {
strcpy(sOutdir, argv[2]);
if(createCue == 1) {
fdBinFile = fopen (sBinFilename, "rb");
if (fdBinFile == NULL) {
printf ("Unable to open %s\n", sBinFilename);
exit (1);
fdCueFile = fopen (argv[1], "w");
if (fdCueFile == NULL) {
printf ("Unable to create %s\n", argv[1]);
exit (1);
if((strcmp(&sBinFilename[strlen(sBinFilename)-4], ".wav")==0) ||
(strcmp(&sBinFilename[strlen(sBinFilename)-4], ".WAV")==0) ) {
printf(".wav binfile - Skipping wav header\n");
fread( sLine, 1, sizeof(tWavHead), fdBinFile );
} else {
fdCueFile = fopen (argv[1], "r");
if (fdCueFile == NULL) {
printf ("Unable to open %s\n", argv[1]);
exit (1);
// get bin filename from cuefile... why? why not.
if(! fgets( sLine, 256, fdCueFile ) ) {
printf ("Error Reading Cuefile\n");
exit (1);
if (strncmp(sLine, "FILE ", 5)==0) {
i = 0;
j = 0;
q = 0; // track open and closed quotes
do {
sBinFilename[j] = sLine[5+i];
if ((sBinFilename[j-1] == '\\') || (sBinFilename[j-1] == '/')) { j = 0; } //strip out path info
if (sBinFilename[j-1] == '"') { j--; q++;} // strip out quotes
} while ((sLine[5+i-1] != ' ') || (q == 1));
sBinFilename[j] = '\0';
//bug?? Why did a trailing space show up??
while(sBinFilename[--j] == ' ') sBinFilename[j] = '\0';
// do not need to convert to lower case on unix system
// strlwr(sBinFilename);
} else {
printf ("Error: Filename not found on first line of cuefile.\n", argv[1]);
exit (1);
// Open the bin file
if(doInPlace == 1) {
fdBinFile = fopen (sBinFilename, "rb+");
} else {
fdBinFile = fopen (sBinFilename, "rb");
if (fdBinFile == NULL) {
printf ("Unable to open %s\n", sBinFilename);
// Get next line
if(! fgets( sLine, 256, fdCueFile ) ) {
printf ("Error Reading Cuefile\n");
exit (1);
if(strlen(sOutdir) > 0) {
if((sOutdir[strlen(sOutdir)-1] != '/' ) && (sOutdir[strlen(sOutdir)-1] != ':' ) ) {
strcat(sOutdir, "/");
while(!feof(fdCueFile)) {
getTrackinfo(sLine, &tracks[nTracks++]);
tracks[nTracks].idx0 = tracks[nTracks].idx1 = -1;
switch (tracks[0].mode) {
case MODE1_2048:
tracks[0].offset0 = tracks[0].idx0*SIZEISO_MODE1;
case MODE2_2336:
tracks[0].offset0 = tracks[0].idx0*SIZEISO_MODE2_FORM2;
default: // AUDIO, MODE1_2352, MODE2_2352:
tracks[0].offset0 = tracks[0].idx0*SIZERAW;
/* set offsets */
if(0 != fseek(fdBinFile, 0, SEEK_END)) {
perror("\nbin2iso(fseek)"); exit(1);
tracks[nTracks].offset0 = tracks[nTracks].offset1 = ftell(fdBinFile);
for(i = 0; i < nTracks; i++) {
switch (tracks[i].mode) {
case MODE1_2048:
tracks[i].offset1 = tracks[i].offset0 + (tracks[i].idx1-tracks[i].idx0)*SIZEISO_MODE1;
if(tracks[i+1].idx0 != -1)
tracks[i+1].offset0 = tracks[i].offset1 + (tracks[i+1].idx0 - tracks[i].idx1)*SIZEISO_MODE1;
else {
tracks[i+1].idx0 = tracks[i+1].idx1 = (tracks[i+1].offset0 - tracks[i].offset1)/SIZEISO_MODE1 + tracks[i].idx1;
if(((tracks[i+1].offset0 - tracks[i].offset1)%SIZEISO_MODE1) != 0) printf("Warning: Bin file has invalid byte count for cuefile.\n");
case MODE2_2336:
tracks[i].offset1 = tracks[i].offset0 + (tracks[i].idx1-tracks[i].idx0)*SIZEISO_MODE2_FORM2;
if(tracks[i+1].idx0 != -1)
tracks[i+1].offset0 = tracks[i].offset1 + (tracks[i+1].idx0 - tracks[i].idx1)*SIZEISO_MODE2_FORM2;
else {
tracks[i+1].idx0 = tracks[i+1].idx1 = (tracks[i+1].offset0 - tracks[i].offset1)/SIZEISO_MODE2_FORM2 + tracks[i].idx1;
if(((tracks[i+1].offset0 - tracks[i].offset1)%SIZEISO_MODE2_FORM2) != 0) printf("Warning: Bin file has invalid byte count for cuefile.\n");
default: // AUDIO, MODE1_2352, MODE2_2352:
tracks[i].offset1 = tracks[i].offset0 + (tracks[i].idx1-tracks[i].idx0)*SIZERAW;
if(tracks[i+1].idx0 != -1)
tracks[i+1].offset0 = tracks[i].offset1 + (tracks[i+1].idx0 - tracks[i].idx1)*SIZERAW;
else {
tracks[i+1].idx0 = tracks[i+1].idx1 = (tracks[i+1].offset0 - tracks[i].offset1)/SIZERAW + tracks[i].idx1;
if(((tracks[i+1].offset0 - tracks[i].offset1)%SIZERAW) != 0) printf("Warning: Bin file has invalid byte count for cuefile.\n");
// if not allowing overburn, then create a new track to hold extra data...
if(no_overburn == 1) {
i = nTracks;
if(tracks[i].idx0 > CD74_MAX_SECTORS) {
tracks[i+1] = tracks[nTracks];
strcpy(tracks[i].name, "obdatatemp.bin");
tracks[i].idx0 = CD74_MAX_SECTORS;
tracks[i].idx1 = CD74_MAX_SECTORS;
switch (tracks[i-1].mode) {
case MODE1_2048:
tracks[i].offset0 = tracks[i-1].offset1 + (tracks[i].idx0 - tracks[i-1].idx1)*SIZEISO_MODE1;
case MODE2_2336:
tracks[i].offset0 = tracks[i-1].offset1 + (tracks[i].idx0 - tracks[i-1].idx1)*SIZEISO_MODE2_FORM2;
default: // AUDIO, MODE1_2352, MODE2_2352:
tracks[i].offset0 = tracks[i-1].offset1 + (tracks[i].idx0 - tracks[i-1].idx1)*SIZERAW;
tracks[i].offset1 = tracks[i].offset0;
tracks[i].mode = tracks[i-1].mode;
/* set sizes */
for(i = 0; i < nTracks; i++) {
switch (tracks[i].mode) {
case MODE1_2352:
tracks[i].size = ((tracks[i+1].offset1 - tracks[i].offset1) / SIZERAW ) * SIZEISO_MODE1;
case MODE2_2336:
tracks[i].size = ((tracks[i+1].offset1 - tracks[i].offset1) / SIZEISO_MODE2_FORM2 ) * SIZERAW;
default: // MODE1_2048, MODE2_2352, AUDIO
tracks[i].size = tracks[i+1].offset1 - tracks[i].offset1;
if(writegap == -1) { writegap = checkGaps(fdBinFile, tracks, nTracks); }
if(writegap == 1)
printf("Note: Appending pregap data to end of audio tracks\n");
printf("Note: Discarding pregap data\n");
for(i = 0; i <= nTracks-1; i++) {
printf("%s (%3d Mb) - sectors %06ld:%06ld (offset %09ld:%09ld)\n",
( ((writegap == 0) || (tracks[i].mode != AUDIO)) ? tracks[i+1].idx0 : tracks[i+1].idx1)-1,
( ((writegap == 0) || (tracks[i].mode != AUDIO)) ? tracks[i+1].offset0 : tracks[i+1].offset1)-1
if( (((mode2to1 != 1) && (tracks[0].mode == MODE2_2352)) || (tracks[0].mode == MODE1_2048)) && (nTracks == 1) ) {
if(tracks[0].mode == MODE2_2352) { printf("Mode2/2352"); }
if(tracks[0].mode == MODE1_2048) { printf("Mode1/2048"); }
printf(" single track bin file indicated by cue file\n");
if( 0 != rename(sBinFilename, tracks[0].name) ) {
printf("%s renamed to %s\n", sBinFilename, tracks[0].name);
for(i=nTracks-1; i>=0; i--) {
trackA = tracks[i];
trackB = tracks[i+1];
// audio can't be done in the bin file due to header.
// 2336 can't either because it's expanded to 2352
if((doInPlace == 1) && (i == 0) && (trackA.mode != AUDIO) && (trackA.mode != MODE2_2336) ) {
sOutFilename[0] = '\0';
} else {
strcpy(sOutFilename, sOutdir);
strcat(sOutFilename, trackA.name);
if ( ((doOneTrack == 1) && strcmp(trackA.num, sTrack)==0) || (doOneTrack == 0) ) {
if(!((i == 0) && ((trackA.mode == MODE2_2352)||(trackA.mode == MODE1_2048)) && (doInPlace == 1) )){
if (!writegap || (trackA.mode != AUDIO)) { // when not Audio, don't append.
dotrack(trackA.mode, trackA.idx0, trackA.idx1, trackB.idx0, trackA.offset1);
} else {
/* if(trackA.idx0 == 0) // handles first track with pregap.
dotrack(trackA.mode, 0, trackA.idx1, trackB.idx1, trackA.offset1);
dotrack(trackA.mode, trackA.idx1, trackA.idx1, trackB.idx1, trackA.offset1);
} /*else {
fclose(fdBinFile); // just close bin file. Already MODE1_2048 or MODE2_2352
if( (doOneTrack == 0) && (doInPlace == 1) ) {
if( (i != 0) || ( (i == 0) && ((trackA.mode == AUDIO)||(trackA.mode == MODE2_2336)) ) ) {
printf("Truncating bin file to %ld bytes\n", trackA.offset1);
if( -1 == ftruncate(fileno(fdBinFile), trackA.offset1) ) {
} else {
printf("Renaming %s to %s\n", sBinFilename, trackA.name);
if( 0 != rename(sBinFilename, trackA.name) ) {
// fix writepos for case when simply truncating...
if((trackA.mode == MODE2_2352) || (trackA.mode == MODE1_2048)){ writepos = trackB.offset0; }
printf("Truncating to %ld bytes\n", writepos);
fdBinFile = fopen(trackA.name, "rb+"); // gets closed in doTrack...
if(fdBinFile == NULL) { perror("bin2iso(fopen)"); exit(1); }
if( -1 == ftruncate(fileno(fdBinFile), writepos) ) {
drop tls any any -> any any (msg:"Drop old SSL"; ssl_version:sslv2,sslv3; sid:1;)
drop tls any any -> any any (msg:"Drop unsupported TLSv1.0/1.1"; ssl_version:tls1.0,tls1.1; sid:2;)
drop udp any any -> any any (msg:"ET EXPLOIT SUSPICIOUS DTLS 1.2 Fragmented Client Hello Possible CVE-2014-0195"; content:"|16 fe fd 00 00 00 00 00 00 00|"; depth:10; content:"|01|"; distance:3; within:1; byte_test:3,>,0,0,relative; byte_test:3,>,0,8,relative; byte_extract:3,0,frag_len,relative; byte_jump:3,5,relative; content:"|01|"; within:1; byte_test:3,!=,frag_len,0,relative; reference:url,h30499.www3.hp.com/t5/HP-Security-Research-Blog/ZDI-14-173-CVE-2014-0195-OpenSSL-DTLS-Fragment-Out-of-Bounds/ba-p/6501002; classtype:attempted-user; sid:2018561; rev:3; metadata:created_at 2014_06_13, former_category CURRENT_EVENTS, updated_at 2014_06_13;)
drop tls any any -> any any (msg:"ET EXPLOIT Possible Ticketbleed Client Hello (CVE-2016-9244)"; flow:established,from_client; content:"|16 03|"; depth:2; content:"|01|"; distance:3; within:1; content:"|03 03|"; distance:3; within:2; byte_test:1,<,32,32,relative; byte_test:1,>,1,32,relative; flowbits:set,ET.ticketbleed; flowbits:noalert; reference:cve,2016-9244; reference:url,filippo.io/Ticketbleed; classtype:misc-attack; sid:2023896; rev:3; metadata:affected_product HTTP_Server, attack_target Server, created_at 2017_02_10, deployment Datacenter, performance_impact Moderate, signature_severity Major, updated_at 2017_02_13;)
drop tls any any -> any any (msg:"ET EXPLOIT Possible Ticketbleed Server Hello (CVE-2016-9244)"; flow:established,to_client; content:"|16 03|"; depth:2; content:"|02|"; distance:3; within:1; content:"|03 03|"; distance:3; within:2; content:"|20|"; distance:32; within:1; flowbits:isset,ET.ticketbleed; reference:url,filippo.io/Ticketbleed; reference:cve,2016-9244; classtype:misc-attack; sid:2023897; rev:3; metadata:affected_product HTTP_Server, attack_target Server, created_at 2017_02_10, deployment Datacenter, performance_impact Moderate, signature_severity Major, updated_at 2017_02_13;)
# IP
drop ip any any -> any any (msg:"Drop IP loop"; sameip; sid:3;)
drop ip any any -> any any (msg:"Drop Chinese traffic"; geoip: any,CN,HK,MO; sid:4;)
# Policy
drop ip any any -> any any (msg:"Drop RFB"; app-layer-protocol:rfb; sid:5;)
drop ip any any -> any any (msg:"Drop Kerberos"; app-layer-protocol:krb5; sid:6;)
drop ip any any -> any any (msg:"Drop SNMP"; app-layer-protocol:snmp; sid:7;)
drop ip any any -> any any (msg:"Drop IKEv2"; app-layer-protocol:ikev2; sid:8;)
drop ip any any -> any any (msg:"Drop DCE/RPC"; app-layer-protocol:dcerpc; sid:9;)
drop ip any any -> any any (msg:"Drop FTP"; app-layer-protocol:ftp; sid:10;)
drop ip any any -> any any (msg:"Drop RDP"; app-layer-protocol:rdp; sid:11;)
alert ip any any -> any any (msg:"Alert SSH"; app-layer-protocol:ssh; sid:12;)
drop ip any any <> ! !587 (msg:"Drop unallowed SMTP"; app-layer-protocol:smtp; sid:13;)
drop ip any any -> any any (msg:"Drop IMAP"; app-layer-protocol:imap; sid:14;)
drop ip any any -> any any (msg:"Drop SMB"; app-layer-protocol:smb; sid:15;)
drop ip any any -> any any (msg:"Drop NFS"; app-layer-protocol:nfs; sid:16;)
drop ip any any -> any any (msg:"Drop TFTP"; app-layer-protocol:tftp; sid:17;)
drop ip any any -> any any (msg:"Drop DNS"; app-layer-protocol:dns; sid:18;)
drop ip any any -> any any (msg:"Drop DHCP"; app-layer-protocol:dhcp; sid:19;)
alert ip any any -> any any (msg:"Alert HTTP"; app-layer-protocol:http; sid:20;)
drop ip any any -> any any (msg:"Drop MQTT"; app-layer-protocol:mqtt; sid:21;)
#drop ip any any -> any any (msg:"Drop MODBUS"; app-layer-protocol:modbus; sid:22;)
#drop ip any any -> any any (msg:"Drop DNP3"; app-layer-protocol:dnp3; sid:23;)
#drop ip any any -> any any (msg:"Drop ENIP"; app-layer-protocol:enip; sid:24;)
drop ip any any -> any any (msg:"Drop SIP"; app-layer-protocol:sip; sid:25;)
drop ip ! any <> ! any (msg:"Drop unallowed NTP"; app-layer-protocol:ntp; sid:26;)
#drop ip any any -> any any (msg:"Drop HTTP2"; app-layer-protocol:http2; sid:27;)
drop icmp any any -> any any (msg:"ET DOS ICMP Path MTU lowered below acceptable threshold"; itype: 3; icode: 4; byte_test:2,<,576,6; byte_test:2,!=,0,7; reference:cve,CAN-2004-1060; reference:url,www.microsoft.com/technet/security/bulletin/MS05-019.mspx; reference:url,isc.sans.org/diary.php?date=2005-04-12; reference:url,doc.emergingthreats.net/bin/view/Main/2001882; classtype:denial-of-service; sid:2001882; rev:10; metadata:created_at 2010_07_30, updated_at 2010_07_30;)
drop icmp any any -> any any (msg:"ET EXPLOIT Possible CVE-2020-11902 ICMPv4 parameter problem with tunnel inside"; itype:12; reference:url,www.jsof-tech.com/ripple20/; classtype:attempted-admin; sid:2030389; rev:1; metadata:created_at 2020_06_22, former_category EXPLOIT, performance_impact Significant, signature_severity Major, updated_at 2020_06_22;)
drop icmp any any -> any any (msg:"ET EXPLOIT Possible CVE-2020-11910 anomalous ICMPv4 type 3,code 4 Path MTU Discovery"; itype:3; icode:4; reference:url,www.jsof-tech.com/ripple20/; classtype:attempted-admin; sid:2030390; rev:1; metadata:created_at 2020_06_22, former_category EXPLOIT, performance_impact Significant, signature_severity Major, updated_at 2020_06_22;)
drop icmp any any -> any any (msg:"ET EXPLOIT Possible CVE-2020-1191 anomalous ICMPv4 Address Mask Reply message (type 18, code 0)"; itype:18; icode:0; reference:url,www.jsof-tech.com/ripple20/; classtype:attempted-admin; sid:2030391; rev:1; metadata:created_at 2020_06_22, former_category EXPLOIT, performance_impact Significant, signature_severity Major, updated_at 2020_06_22;)
# eDonkey
drop udp any any -> any any (msg:"ET P2P Edonkey IP Reply"; flowbits:isset,BEedk.ip.requestect; dsize:<20; content:"|e3 1c|"; depth:2; reference:url,www.giac.org/certified_professionals/practicals/gcih/0446.php; reference:url,doc.emergingthreats.net/bin/view/Main/2003309; classtype:policy-violation; sid:2003309; rev:4; metadata:created_at 2010_07_30, updated_at 2010_07_30;)
drop udp any any -> any any (msg:"ET P2P Edonkey IP Query End"; dsize:<20; content:"|e3 1d|"; depth:2; reference:url,www.giac.org/certified_professionals/practicals/gcih/0446.php; reference:url,doc.emergingthreats.net/bin/view/Main/2003316; classtype:policy-violation; sid:2003316; rev:3; metadata:created_at 2010_07_30, updated_at 2010_07_30;)
drop udp any any -> any any (msg:"ET P2P Edonkey Publicize File ACK"; dsize:<20; content:"|e3 0d|"; depth:2; reference:url,www.giac.org/certified_professionals/practicals/gcih/0446.php; reference:url,doc.emergingthreats.net/bin/view/Main/2003311; classtype:policy-violation; sid:2003311; rev:3; metadata:created_at 2010_07_30, updated_at 2010_07_30;)
drop udp any any -> any any (msg:"ET P2P Edonkey Connect Request"; dsize:25; content:"|e3 0a|"; depth:2; reference:url,www.giac.org/certified_professionals/practicals/gcih/0446.php; reference:url,doc.emergingthreats.net/bin/view/Main/2003312; classtype:policy-violation; sid:2003312; rev:3; metadata:created_at 2010_07_30, updated_at 2010_07_30;)
drop udp any any -> any any (msg:"ET P2P Edonkey Search Request (by file hash)"; dsize:19; content:"|e3 0e 14|"; depth:3; reference:url,www.giac.org/certified_professionals/practicals/gcih/0446.php; reference:url,doc.emergingthreats.net/bin/view/Main/2003314; classtype:policy-violation; sid:2003314; rev:3; metadata:created_at 2010_07_30, updated_at 2010_07_30;)
drop udp any any -> any any (msg:"ET P2P Edonkey Get Sources Request (by hash)"; dsize:19; content:"|e3 9a|"; depth:2; reference:url,www.giac.org/certified_professionals/practicals/gcih/0446.php; reference:url,doc.emergingthreats.net/bin/view/Main/2003318; classtype:policy-violation; sid:2003318; rev:3; metadata:created_at 2010_07_30, updated_at 2010_07_30;)
drop tcp any any -> any any (msg:"ET P2P Edonkey Server Status"; flow:established; dsize:14; content:"|e3 09 00 00 00 34|"; depth:6; reference:url,www.giac.org/certified_professionals/practicals/gcih/0446.php; reference:url,doc.emergingthreats.net/bin/view/Main/2003324; classtype:policy-violation; sid:2003324; rev:3; metadata:created_at 2010_07_30, updated_at 2010_07_30;)
drop tcp any any -> any any (msg:"ET P2P eDonkey File Status"; flow: to_server,established; content:"|e3 14|"; depth: 2; reference:url,www.edonkey.com; reference:url,doc.emergingthreats.net/bin/view/Main/2001296; classtype:policy-violation; sid:2001296; rev:9; metadata:created_at 2010_07_30, updated_at 2010_07_30;)
drop tcp any any -> any any (msg:"ET P2P eDonkey File Status Request"; flow: to_server,established; content:"|e3 11|"; depth: 2; reference:url,www.edonkey.com; reference:url,doc.emergingthreats.net/bin/view/Main/2001297; classtype:policy-violation; sid:2001297; rev:10; metadata:created_at 2010_07_30, updated_at 2010_07_30;)
drop udp any any -> any any (msg:"ET P2P eDonkey Server Status Request"; content:"|e3 96|"; depth: 2; reference:url,www.edonkey.com; reference:url,doc.emergingthreats.net/bin/view/Main/2001298; classtype:policy-violation; sid:2001298; rev:9; metadata:created_at 2010_07_30, updated_at 2010_07_30;)
drop udp any any -> any any (msg:"ET P2P eDonkey Server Status"; content:"|e3 97|"; depth: 2; reference:url,www.edonkey.com; reference:url,doc.emergingthreats.net/bin/view/Main/2001299; classtype:policy-violation; sid:2001299; rev:9; metadata:created_at 2010_07_30, updated_at 2010_07_30;)
drop udp any any -> any any (msg:"ET P2P Overnet (Edonkey) Server Announce"; content:"|00 00 02 03 00 6c 6f 63|"; offset: 36; content:"|00 62 63 70 3a 2f 2f|"; distance: 1; reference:url,www.overnet.com; reference:url,doc.emergingthreats.net/bin/view/Main/2000335; classtype:policy-violation; sid:2000335; rev:9; metadata:created_at 2010_07_30, updated_at 2010_07_30;)
drop tcp any any -> any any (msg:"ET P2P Edonkey Client to Server Hello"; flow:established; dsize:>5; content:"|e3|"; offset:1; content:"|01|"; distance:4; within:5; content:"|02 01 00 01|"; distance:26; reference:url,www.giac.org/certified_professionals/practicals/gcih/0446.php; reference:url,doc.emergingthreats.net/bin/view/Main/2003323; classtype:policy-violation; sid:2003323; rev:4; metadata:created_at 2010_07_30, updated_at 2010_07_30;)
drop tcp any any -> any any (msg:"ET P2P Edonkey Server Message"; flow:established; dsize:>10; content:"|e3|"; depth:1; content:"|38|"; distance:4; within:5; reference:url,www.giac.org/certified_professionals/practicals/gcih/0446.php; reference:url,doc.emergingthreats.net/bin/view/Main/2003321; classtype:policy-violation; sid:2003321; rev:5; metadata:created_at 2010_07_30, updated_at 2010_07_30;)
drop tcp any any -> any any (msg:"ET P2P Edonkey Server List"; flow:established; dsize:>12; content:"|e3|"; depth:1; content:"|32|"; distance:4; within:5; reference:url,www.giac.org/certified_professionals/practicals/gcih/0446.php; reference:url,doc.emergingthreats.net/bin/view/Main/2003322; classtype:policy-violation; sid:2003322; rev:4; metadata:created_at 2010_07_30, updated_at 2010_07_30;)
drop udp any any -> any any (msg:"ET P2P Edonkey Search Reply"; dsize:>200; content:"|e3 0f|"; depth:2; reference:url,www.giac.org/certified_professionals/practicals/gcih/0446.php; reference:url,doc.emergingthreats.net/bin/view/Main/2003315; classtype:policy-violation; sid:2003315; rev:4; metadata:created_at 2010_07_30, updated_at 2010_07_30;)
drop udp any any -> any any (msg:"ET P2P Edonkey Publicize File"; dsize:>15; content:"|e3 0c|"; depth:2; reference:url,www.giac.org/certified_professionals/practicals/gcih/0446.php; reference:url,doc.emergingthreats.net/bin/view/Main/2003310; classtype:policy-violation; sid:2003310; rev:4; metadata:created_at 2010_07_30, updated_at 2010_07_30;)
drop udp any any -> any any (msg:"ET P2P Edonkey Search Request (search by name)"; dsize:>5; content:"|e3 98|"; depth:2; content:"|01|"; within:3; reference:url,www.giac.org/certified_professionals/practicals/gcih/0446.php; reference:url,doc.emergingthreats.net/bin/view/Main/2003319; classtype:policy-violation; sid:2003319; rev:4; metadata:created_at 2010_07_30, updated_at 2019_01_18;)
# Torrent
drop tcp any any -> any any (msg:"ET P2P BitTorrent Announce"; flow: to_server,established; content:"/announce"; reference:url,bitconjurer.org/BitTorrent/protocol.html; reference:url,doc.emergingthreats.net/bin/view/Main/2000369; classtype:policy-violation; sid:2000369; rev:6; metadata:created_at 2010_07_30, updated_at 2010_07_30;)
drop udp any any -> any any (msg:"ET P2P BitTorrent DHT ping request"; content:"d1|3a|ad2|3a|id20|3a|"; depth:12; nocase; threshold: type both, count 1, seconds 300, track by_src; reference:url,wiki.theory.org/BitTorrentDraftDHTProtocol; reference:url,doc.emergingthreats.net/bin/view/Main/2008581; classtype:policy-violation; sid:2008581; rev:3; metadata:created_at 2010_07_30, updated_at 2010_07_30;)
drop udp any any -> any any (msg:"ET P2P BitTorrent DHT announce_peers request"; content:"d1|3a|ad2|3a|id20|3a|"; nocase; depth:14; content:"e1|3a|q13|3a|announce_peer1|3a|"; nocase; distance:55; threshold: type both, count 1, seconds 300, track by_src; reference:url,wiki.theory.org/BitTorrentDraftDHTProtocol; reference:url,doc.emergingthreats.net/bin/view/Main/2008585; classtype:policy-violation; sid:2008585; rev:4; metadata:created_at 2010_07_30, updated_at 2010_07_30;)
drop udp any any -> any any (msg:"ET P2P BitTorrent DHT nodes reply"; content:"d1|3a|rd2|3a|id20|3a|"; nocase; depth:12; content:"5|3a|nodes"; nocase; distance:20; within:7; threshold: type both, count 1, seconds 300, track by_src; reference:url,wiki.theory.org/BitTorrentDraftDHTProtocol; reference:url,doc.emergingthreats.net/bin/view/Main/2008583; classtype:policy-violation; sid:2008583; rev:4; metadata:created_at 2010_07_30, updated_at 2010_07_30;)
drop udp any any -> any any (msg:"ET P2P BitTorrent DHT get_peers request"; content:"d1|3a|ad2|3a|id20|3a|"; nocase; offset:12; content:"9|3a|info_hash20|3a|"; nocase; distance:20; within:14; content:"e1|3a|q9|3a|get_peers1|3a|"; nocase; distance:20; threshold: type both, count 1, seconds 300, track by_src; reference:url,wiki.theory.org/BitTorrentDraftDHTProtocol; reference:url,doc.emergingthreats.net/bin/view/Main/2008584; classtype:policy-violation; sid:2008584; rev:5; metadata:created_at 2010_07_30, updated_at 2010_07_30;)
drop udp any any -> any any (msg:"ET P2P BitTorrent DHT find_node request"; content:"d1|3a|ad2|3a|id20|3a|"; nocase; depth:24; content:"6|3a|target20|3a|"; nocase; distance:20; content:"e1|3a|q9|3a|find_node1|3a|"; nocase; distance:20; content:"e1|3a|q9|3a|find_node1|3a|"; distance:20; nocase; threshold: type both, count 1, seconds 300, track by_src; reference:url,wiki.theory.org/BitTorrentDraftDHTProtocol; reference:url,doc.emergingthreats.net/bin/view/Main/2008582; classtype:policy-violation; sid:2008582; rev:7; metadata:created_at 2010_07_30, updated_at 2010_07_30;)
drop tcp any any -> any any (msg:"ET P2P BitTorrent Traffic"; flow: established; content:"|0000400907000000|"; depth:8; threshold: type limit, count 1, seconds 120, track by_src; reference:url,bitconjurer.org/BitTorrent/protocol.html; reference:url,doc.emergingthreats.net/bin/view/Main/2000357; classtype:policy-violation; sid:2000357; rev:9; metadata:created_at 2010_07_30, updated_at 2010_07_30;)
drop tcp any any -> any any (msg:"ET P2P BitTorrent peer sync"; flow:established; content:"|00 00 00 0d 06 00|"; depth:6; threshold: type limit, track by_dst, seconds 300, count 1; reference:url,bitconjurer.org/BitTorrent/protocol.html; reference:url,doc.emergingthreats.net/bin/view/Main/2000334; classtype:policy-violation; sid:2000334; rev:13; metadata:created_at 2010_07_30, updated_at 2010_07_30;)
alert udp any any -> any any (msg:"Pass STUN Binding Request"; content:"|00 01|"; depth:2; content:"|21 12 a4 42|"; distance:2; within:4; sid:28;)
alert udp any any -> any any (msg:"Pass STUN Binding Response"; content:"|01 01|"; depth:2; content:"|21 12 a4 42|"; distance:2; within:4; sid:29;)
alert udp any any -> any any (msg:"Pass STUN Binding Error"; content:"|01 11|"; depth:2; content:"|21 12 a4 42|"; distance:2; within:4; sid:30;)
alert udp any any -> any any (msg:"Pass STUN Shared Secret Request"; content:"|00 02|"; depth:2; content:"|21 12 a4 42|"; distance:2; within:4; sid:31;)
alert udp any any -> any any (msg:"Pass STUN Shared Secret Response"; content:"|01 02|"; depth:2; content:"|21 12 a4 42|"; distance:2; within:4; sid:32;)
alert udp any any -> any any (msg:"Pass STUN Shared Secret Error"; content:"|01 12|"; depth:2; content:"|21 12 a4 42|"; distance:2; within:4; sid:33;)
# Apple
drop udp any any -> any any (msg:"ET WEB_CLIENT Apple Quicktime RTSP Content-Type overflow attempt"; content:"RTSP/"; nocase; depth:5; content:"|0a|Content-Type|3a|"; nocase; distance:0; isdataat:50,relative; content:!"|0a|"; within:50; reference:url,www.kb.cert.org/vuls/id/659761; reference:url,www.milw0rm.com/exploits/4657; reference:url,doc.emergingthreats.net/2007704; classtype:attempted-user; sid:2007704; rev:6; metadata:affected_product Web_Browsers, affected_product Web_Browser_Plugins, attack_target Client_Endpoint, created_at 2010_07_30, deployment Perimeter, signature_severity Major, tag Web_Client_Attacks, updated_at 2016_07_01;)
drop udp any 1024:65535 -> any any (msg:"ET INFO QUIC UDP Internet Connections Protocol Client Hello (OUTBOUND)"; flow:to_server; content:"|80 01|CHLO"; content:"PAD"; content:"SNI"; content:"CCS"; content:"PDMD"; content:"VERS"; nocase;flowbits:set,ET.QUIC.FirstClientHello; reference:url,tools.ietf.org/html/draft-tsvwg-quic-protocol-00; classtype:protocol-command-decode; sid:2022996; rev:1; metadata:attack_target Client_Endpoint, created_at 2016_08_01, deployment Perimeter, performance_impact Low, signature_severity Major, updated_at 2016_08_01;)
drop udp any 1024:65535 <> any any (msg:"ET INFO SOCKSv5 UDP Proxy Connect Request"; content:"|00 00|"; depth:2; content:"|01|"; offset:3; depth:1; threshold:type both, track by_dst, count 1, seconds 900; reference:url,handlers.sans.org/wsalusky/rants/; reference:url,en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SOCKS; reference:url,ss5.sourceforge.net/socks4.protocol.txt; reference:url,ss5.sourceforge.net/socks4A.protocol.txt; reference:url,www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1928.txt; reference:url,www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1929.txt; reference:url,www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1961.txt; reference:url,www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3089.txt; reference:url,doc.emergingthreats.net/bin/view/Main/2003287; classtype:protocol-command-decode; sid:2003287; rev:7; metadata:created_at 2010_07_30, former_category MALWARE, updated_at 2017_10_27;)
Job stack
type job string
type stack struct {
jobs []job
func (s *stack) push(in job) {
if s.jobs == nil || len(s.jobs) == 0 {
s.jobs = []job{in}
} else {
s.jobs = append(s.jobs, in)
func (s *stack) pop() (job, error) {
if s.jobs == nil || len(s.jobs) == 0 {
return "", fmt.Errorf("pila vuota")
out := s.jobs[0]
if len(s.jobs) == 1 {
s.jobs = []job{}
} else {
s.jobs = s.jobs[1:]
return out, nil
func main() {
done := make(chan bool)
var items stack
go func(items *stack) {
for {
select {
case <-time.Tick(time.Second / 3):
items.push(job(fmt.Sprintf("job %v", time.Now())))
go func(items *stack, done chan bool) {
for {
select {
case <-time.Tick(time.Second / 5):
item, err := items.pop()
if err != nil {
} else {
case <-done:
time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)
done <- true
}(&items, done)
log.Println("sono il main")
time.Sleep(30 * time.Second)
done <- true
pippo := <-done
log.Printf("fine del main %v", pippo)
require 'socket'
require 'timeout'
unless ARGV.length == 2
abort "Usage: #{__FILE__} <host> <port>"
where = ARGV[0]
port = ARGV[1]
Timeout::timeout(10) do
TCPSocket.new(where, port).close
puts "connect(#{where}, #{port}) succeeded"
rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED, Errno::EHOSTUNREACH, SocketError
puts "connect(#{where}, #{port}) errored"
rescue Timeout::Error
puts "connect(#{where}, #{port}) failed"
require 'find'
require 'digest/sha2'
require 'optparse'
require 'set'
# optparse
args = { :dir => nil , :del => false }
arguments = OptionParser.new do |arg|
arg.banner = "Usage: #{__FILE__} [options]"
arg.on("-d", "--dir DIRECTORY", "directory to find duplicates") do |dir|
args[:dir] = dir
arg.on("-f", "--force", "remove without prompting.") do
args[:del] = true
arg.on("-h", "--help", "print help message") do
puts arguments
exit 0
exit 1 if args[:dir] == nil
# digests
hashes = Hash.new
puts "Building digests ..."
Find.find(args[:dir]) do |path|
hash = nil
if (not FileTest.directory?(path) and not FileTest.symlink?(path)\
and not FileTest.blockdev?(path) and not FileTest.chardev?(path)\
and not FileTest.socket?(path) and not FileTest.pipe?(path)\
and not FileTest.zero?(path)) then
digest = Digest::SHA2.new
File.open(path, 'r') do |fd|
while buffer = fd.read(9216)
hash = digest.hexdigest
rescue NoMemoryError
puts "NoMemoryError on #{path}"
rescue IOError
puts "IOError on #{path}"
rescue Errno::ENOSYS; next
rescue Errno::EACCES; next
rescue Errno::EINVAL; next
rescue => e
puts "Error on #{path}, exception #{e}"
exit 255
if (hashes[hash]) then
hashes[hash] = Set.new.add(path)
# results
hashes.each_pair do |hash, paths|
files = paths.to_a
choice = nil
if (files.size > 1) then
puts "Duplicate digest <#{hash}> for files:\n #{files.join("\n ")}"
if not args[:del] then
puts " Delete? [y/N] "
choice = gets.chomp == 'y' ? true : false
if args[:del] or choice then
for i in 1...files.size
File.delete files[i]
Simplex protocol
#define MAX_PKT 1024
#define MAX_SEQ 4096
typedef unsigned int seq_nr;
#define inc(k) if(k<MAX_SEQ) k++; else k=0;
typedef struct {
unsigned char data[MAX_PKT];
} packet;
typedef enum {
data, ack, nack
} frame_kind;
typedef struct {
frame_kind kind;
seq_nr seq;
seq_nr ack;
packet data;
} frame;
typedef enum {
} event_type;
void wait_for_event(event_type *event);
void from_network_layer(packet *p);
void to_network_layer(packet *p);
void from_physical_layer(frame *r);
void to_physical_layer(frame *s);
void start_timer(seq_nr k);
void stop_timer(seq_nr k);
void start_ack_timer(void);
void stop_ack_timer(void);
void enable_network_layer(void);
void disable_network_layer(void);
#include <stdbool.h>
#include "protocol.h"
void sender1(void) {
frame s;
packet buffer;
while (true) {
s.data = buffer;
void receiver1(void) {
frame r;
event_type event;
while (true) {
#include <stdbool.h>
#include "protocol.h"
void sender2(void) {
frame s;
packet buffer;
event_type event;
while(true) {
s.data = buffer;
void receiver2(void) {
frame r,s;
event_type event;
while(true) {
Pixel madness
import os
import sys
input = 'pixel_madness.txt'
output = 'pixel_madness.bin'
if not os.path.isfile(input):
print('{} non esiste'.format(input))
if os.path.isfile(output):
fo = open(output, 'w')
with open(input) as fi:
for linea in fi:
dupla = linea.split('+')
for item in dupla:
x = item.split('x')
for _ in range(int(x[1])):
if int(x[0]) == 0:
fo.write(' ')
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.List;
import javafx.application.Application;
import javafx.collections.FXCollections;
import javafx.collections.ObservableList;
import javafx.event.ActionEvent;
import javafx.geometry.Insets;
import javafx.scene.Scene;
import javafx.scene.control.Button;
import javafx.scene.control.ListView;
import javafx.scene.layout.HBox;
import javafx.scene.layout.VBox;
import javafx.stage.FileChooser;
import javafx.stage.Stage;
import org.apache.tools.ant.BuildException;
* The main graphical user interface
* @author Tommaso Gragnato
public class Installer extends Application {
public void start(Stage primaryStage) throws IOException {
InstallAPK install = new InstallAPK();
// Nodes
ListView<File> table = new ListView<>();
Button selectADB = new Button();
Button openFileButton = new Button();
Button btn = new Button();
ListView<String> logger = new ListView<>();
// Select the ADB executable
selectADB.setText("Select ADB executable");
selectADB.setOnAction((ActionEvent event) -> {
FileChooser fileChooser = new FileChooser();
// Select APK files for the installation list
openFileButton.setText("Select APKs");
openFileButton.setOnAction((ActionEvent event) -> {
FileChooser fileChooser = new FileChooser();
List<File> list = fileChooser.showOpenMultipleDialog(primaryStage);
ObservableList<File> filtered = FXCollections.observableArrayList();
for (File file : list) {
if (file.isFile() && file.getPath().toLowerCase().endsWith(".apk")) {
// Install APKs
btn.setOnAction((ActionEvent event) -> {
for (File file : table.getItems()) {
try {
ObservableList<String> log = logger.getItems();
log.add(file.getPath()+" installed on every device(s)...");
catch (BuildException ex) {
ObservableList<String> log = logger.getItems();
// Layouts
HBox root = new HBox();
VBox leftColumn = new VBox();
root.getChildren().addAll(table, leftColumn);
leftColumn.getChildren().addAll(selectADB, openFileButton, btn, logger);
// Size and alignment
leftColumn.setPadding(new Insets(20, 20, 20, 20));
Scene scene = new Scene(root, 1000, 500);
* @param args the command line arguments
public static void main(String[] args) {
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.io.PrintStream;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import org.apache.tools.ant.BuildException;
import org.apache.tools.ant.Task;
* Custom task that uses the ADB tool to install a specified APK on all
* connected devices and emulators.
* @author Daniel Dyer
public class InstallAPK extends Task
private File apkFile;
public void setAPK(File apkFile)
this.apkFile = apkFile;
public void execute() throws BuildException
if (apkFile == null)
throw new BuildException("APK file must be specified");
List<String> devices = getDeviceIdentifiers();
System.out.printf("Installing %s on %d device(s)...%n", apkFile, devices.size());
ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(devices.size());
List<Future<Void>> futures = new ArrayList<Future<Void>>(devices.size());
for (final String device : devices)
futures.add(executor.submit(new Callable<Void>()
public Void call() throws IOException, InterruptedException
return null;
for (Future<Void> future : futures)
executor.awaitTermination(60, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
catch (Exception ex)
throw new BuildException(ex);
private void installOnDevice(String device) throws IOException, InterruptedException
String[] command = new String[]{"adb", "-s", device, "install", "-r", apkFile.toString()};
Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(command);
consumeStream(process.getInputStream(), System.out, device);
if (process.waitFor() != 0)
consumeStream(process.getErrorStream(), System.err, device);
throw new BuildException(String.format("Installing APK on %s failed.", device));
private void consumeStream(InputStream in, PrintStream out, String tag) throws IOException
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in));
for (String line = reader.readLine(); line != null; line = reader.readLine())
out.println(tag != null ? String.format("[%s] %s", tag, line.trim()) : line);
private List<String> getDeviceIdentifiers() throws IOException, InterruptedException
Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("adb devices");
List devices = new ArrayList<String>(10);
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(process.getInputStream()));
for (String line = reader.readLine(); line != null; line = reader.readLine())
if (line.endsWith("device"))
if (process.waitFor() != 0)
consumeStream(process.getErrorStream(), System.err, null);
throw new BuildException("Failed getting list of connected devices/emulators.");
return devices;
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[]);
#define BUF_SIZE 4096
#define OUTPUT_MODE 0700
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
int in_fd, out_fd, byte_letti, byte_scritti;
char buffer[BUF_SIZE];
if (argc != 3) exit(1);
in_fd = open(argv[1], O_RDONLY);
if(in_fd < 0) exit(2);
out_fd = creat(argv[2], OUTPUT_MODE);
if(out_fd < 0) exit(3);
while(1) {
byte_letti = read(in_fd, buffer, BUF_SIZE);
if(byte_letti <= 0) break;
byte_scritti = write(out_fd, buffer, byte_letti);
if (byte_scritti <= 0) exit(4);
close(in_fd); close(out_fd);
if (byte_letti == 0) exit(0);
else exit(5);