Never Tell Me The Odds

Advent of Code 2023 [Day 24]


It seems like something is going wrong with the snow-making process. Instead of forming snow, the water that’s been absorbed into the air seems to be forming hail!

Maybe there’s something you can do to break up the hailstones?

Due to strong, probably-magical winds, the hailstones are all flying through the air in perfectly linear trajectories. You make a note of each hailstone’s position and velocity (your puzzle input). For example:

19, 13, 30 @ -2,  1, -2
18, 19, 22 @ -1, -1, -2
20, 25, 34 @ -2, -2, -4
12, 31, 28 @ -1, -2, -1
20, 19, 15 @  1, -5, -3

Each line of text corresponds to the position and velocity of a single hailstone. The positions indicate where the hailstones are right now (at time 0). The velocities are constant and indicate exactly how far each hailstone will move in one nanosecond.

Each line of text uses the format px py pz @ vx vy vz. For instance, the hailstone specified by 20, 19, 15 @ 1, -5, -3 has initial X position 20, Y position 19, Z position 15, X velocity 1, Y velocity -5, and Z velocity -3. After one nanosecond, the hailstone would be at 21, 14, 12.

Perhaps you won’t have to do anything. How likely are the hailstones to collide with each other and smash into tiny ice crystals?

To estimate this, consider only the X and Y axes; ignore the Z axis. Looking forward in time, how many of the hailstones’ paths will intersect within a test area? (The hailstones themselves don’t have to collide, just test for intersections between the paths they will trace.)

In this example, look for intersections that happen with an X and Y position each at least 7 and at most 27; in your actual data, you’ll need to check a much larger test area. Comparing all pairs of hailstones’ future paths produces the following results:

Hailstone A: 19, 13, 30 @ -2, 1, -2
Hailstone B: 18, 19, 22 @ -1, -1, -2
Hailstones' paths will cross inside the test area (at x=14.333, y=15.333).

Hailstone A: 19, 13, 30 @ -2, 1, -2
Hailstone B: 20, 25, 34 @ -2, -2, -4
Hailstones' paths will cross inside the test area (at x=11.667, y=16.667).

Hailstone A: 19, 13, 30 @ -2, 1, -2
Hailstone B: 12, 31, 28 @ -1, -2, -1
Hailstones' paths will cross outside the test area (at x=6.2, y=19.4).

Hailstone A: 19, 13, 30 @ -2, 1, -2
Hailstone B: 20, 19, 15 @ 1, -5, -3
Hailstones' paths crossed in the past for hailstone A.

Hailstone A: 18, 19, 22 @ -1, -1, -2
Hailstone B: 20, 25, 34 @ -2, -2, -4
Hailstones' paths are parallel; they never intersect.

Hailstone A: 18, 19, 22 @ -1, -1, -2
Hailstone B: 12, 31, 28 @ -1, -2, -1
Hailstones' paths will cross outside the test area (at x=-6, y=-5).

Hailstone A: 18, 19, 22 @ -1, -1, -2
Hailstone B: 20, 19, 15 @ 1, -5, -3
Hailstones' paths crossed in the past for both hailstones.

Hailstone A: 20, 25, 34 @ -2, -2, -4
Hailstone B: 12, 31, 28 @ -1, -2, -1
Hailstones' paths will cross outside the test area (at x=-2, y=3).

Hailstone A: 20, 25, 34 @ -2, -2, -4
Hailstone B: 20, 19, 15 @ 1, -5, -3
Hailstones' paths crossed in the past for hailstone B.

Hailstone A: 12, 31, 28 @ -1, -2, -1
Hailstone B: 20, 19, 15 @ 1, -5, -3
Hailstones' paths crossed in the past for both hailstones.

So, in this example, 2 hailstones’ future paths cross inside the boundaries of the test area.

However, you’ll need to search a much larger test area if you want to see if any hailstones might collide. Look for intersections that happen with an X and Y position each at least 200000000000000 and at most 400000000000000. Disregard the Z axis entirely.

Considering only the X and Y axes, check all pairs of hailstones’ future paths for intersections. How many of these intersections occur within the test area?

type Point struct {
	x, y float64

type Hailstone struct {
	px, py, pz float64
	vx, vy, vz float64

func parseInput(filename string) []Hailstone {
	file, err := os.Open(filename)
	if err != nil {
		return []Hailstone{}
	defer file.Close()

	var hailstones []Hailstone
	scanner := bufio.NewScanner(file)
	for scanner.Scan() {
		line := scanner.Text()
		var h Hailstone
		parts := strings.Split(line, " @ ")
		fmt.Sscanf(parts[0], "%f, %f, %f", &h.px, &, &h.pz)
		fmt.Sscanf(parts[1], "%f, %f, %f", &h.vx, &h.vy, &h.vz)
		hailstones = append(hailstones, h)
	return hailstones

func findIntersection(h1, h2 Hailstone) (Point, bool) {
	determinant := h1.vx*h2.vy - h1.vy*h2.vx
	if determinant == 0 {
		return Point{}, false

	t := ((h2.px-h1.px)*h2.vy - (*h2.vx) / determinant
	x := h1.px + t*h1.vx
	y := + t*h1.vy

	if t < 0 {
		return Point{}, false

	s := (x - h2.px) / h2.vx
	if s < 0 {
		return Point{}, false

	return Point{x, y}, true

func main() {
	hailstones := parseInput("input.txt")

	const min float64 = 200000000000000
	const max float64 = 400000000000000

	count := 0
	for i := 0; i < len(hailstones); i++ {
		for j := i + 1; j < len(hailstones); j++ {
			if point, intersects := findIntersection(hailstones[i], hailstones[j]); intersects {
				if point.x >= min && point.x <= max && point.y >= min && point.y <= max {

	fmt.Printf("Number of intersections within test area: %d\n", count)

Upon further analysis, it doesn’t seem like any hailstones will naturally collide. It’s up to you to fix that!

You find a rock on the ground nearby. While it seems extremely unlikely, if you throw it just right, you should be able to hit every hailstone in a single throw!

You can use the probably-magical winds to reach any integer position you like and to propel the rock at any integer velocity. Now including the Z axis in your calculations, if you throw the rock at time 0, where do you need to be so that the rock perfectly collides with every hailstone? Due to probably-magical inertia, the rock won’t slow down or change direction when it collides with a hailstone.

In the example above, you can achieve this by moving to position 24, 13, 10 and throwing the rock at velocity -3, 1, 2. If you do this, you will hit every hailstone as follows:

Hailstone: 19, 13, 30 @ -2, 1, -2
Collision time: 5
Collision position: 9, 18, 20

Hailstone: 18, 19, 22 @ -1, -1, -2
Collision time: 3
Collision position: 15, 16, 16

Hailstone: 20, 25, 34 @ -2, -2, -4
Collision time: 4
Collision position: 12, 17, 18

Hailstone: 12, 31, 28 @ -1, -2, -1
Collision time: 6
Collision position: 6, 19, 22

Hailstone: 20, 19, 15 @ 1, -5, -3
Collision time: 1
Collision position: 21, 14, 12

Above, each hailstone is identified by its initial position and its velocity. Then, the time and position of that hailstone’s collision with your rock are given.

After 1 nanosecond, the rock has exactly the same position as one of the hailstones, obliterating it into ice dust! Another hailstone is smashed to bits two nanoseconds after that. After a total of 6 nanoseconds, all of the hailstones have been destroyed.

So, at time 0, the rock needs to be at X position 24, Y position 13, and Z position 10. Adding these three coordinates together produces 47. (Don’t add any coordinates from the rock’s velocity.)

Determine the exact position and velocity the rock needs to have at time 0 so that it perfectly collides with every hailstone. What do you get if you add up the X, Y, and Z coordinates of that initial position?

type Hailstone struct {
	px, py, pz float64
	vx, vy, vz float64

func parseInput(filename string) []Hailstone {
	file, err := os.Open(filename)
	if err != nil {
		return []Hailstone{}
	defer file.Close()

	var hailstones []Hailstone
	scanner := bufio.NewScanner(file)
	for scanner.Scan() {
		line := scanner.Text()
		var h Hailstone
		parts := strings.Split(line, " @ ")
		fmt.Sscanf(parts[0], "%f, %f, %f", &h.px, &, &h.pz)
		fmt.Sscanf(parts[1], "%f, %f, %f", &h.vx, &h.vy, &h.vz)
		hailstones = append(hailstones, h)
	return hailstones

func solve(hailstones []Hailstone) int {
	var possibleRockVelX, possibleRockVelY, possibleRockVelZ []int
	for i, hs1 := range hailstones {
		for _, hs2 := range hailstones[i+1:] {
			if hs1.vx == hs2.vx {
				possibilities := getPossibleVelocities(int(hs2.px), int(hs1.px), int(hs1.vx))
				if len(possibleRockVelX) == 0 {
					possibleRockVelX = possibilities
				} else {
					possibleRockVelX = getIntersection(possibleRockVelX, possibilities)
			if hs1.vy == hs2.vy {
				possibilities := getPossibleVelocities(int(, int(, int(hs1.vy))
				if len(possibleRockVelY) == 0 {
					possibleRockVelY = possibilities
				} else {
					possibleRockVelY = getIntersection(possibleRockVelY, possibilities)
			if hs1.vz == hs2.vz {
				possibilities := getPossibleVelocities(int(hs2.pz), int(hs1.pz), int(hs1.vz))
				if len(possibleRockVelZ) == 0 {
					possibleRockVelZ = possibilities
				} else {
					possibleRockVelZ = getIntersection(possibleRockVelZ, possibilities)

	if len(possibleRockVelX) == 1 && len(possibleRockVelY) == 1 && len(possibleRockVelZ) == 1 {
		rockVelX := float64(possibleRockVelX[0])
		rockVelY := float64(possibleRockVelY[0])
		rockVelZ := float64(possibleRockVelZ[0])
		hailstone1, hailstone2 := hailstones[0], hailstones[1]
		slope1 := (hailstone1.vy - rockVelY) / (hailstone1.vx - rockVelX)
		slope2 := (hailstone2.vy - rockVelY) / (hailstone2.vx - rockVelX)
		intercept1 := - (slope1 * hailstone1.px)
		intercept2 := - (slope2 * hailstone2.px)
		rockPosX := (intercept2 - intercept1) / (slope1 - slope2)
		rockPosY := slope1*rockPosX + intercept1
		time := (rockPosX - hailstone1.px) / (hailstone1.vx - rockVelX)
		rockPosZ := hailstone1.pz + (hailstone1.vz-rockVelZ)*time
		return int(rockPosX + rockPosY + rockPosZ)

	return 0

func getPossibleVelocities(pos1, pos2 int, vel int) []int {
	match := []int{}
	for possibleVel := -1000; possibleVel < 1000; possibleVel++ {
		if possibleVel != vel && (pos1-pos2)%(possibleVel-vel) == 0 {
			match = append(match, possibleVel)
	return match

func getIntersection(slice1, slice2 []int) []int {
	result := []int{}
	valueMap := map[int]bool{}
	for _, value := range slice2 {
		valueMap[value] = true
	for _, value := range slice1 {
		if valueMap[value] {
			result = append(result, value)
	return result

func main() {
	hailstones := parseInput("input.txt")

If you’re new to Advent of Code, it’s an annual event that takes place throughout December, featuring a series of programming puzzles that get progressively more challenging as Christmas approaches.

Click to show the input
147847636573416, 190826994408605, 140130741291716 @ 185, 49, 219
287509258905812, 207449079739538, 280539021150559 @ -26, 31, 8
390970075767404, 535711685410735, 404166182422876 @ -147, -453, -149
306391780523937, 382508967958270, 264612201472049 @ -24, -274, 28
278063616684570, 510959526404728, 288141792965603 @ -18, -441, -6
247862847874155, 518262698181307, 103757008598594 @ 28, -489, 417
309088232168881, 518439101394981, 327968576316109 @ -120, -493, -112
289970722781988, 392465652122173, 259795401258443 @ -151, -81, 74
230223985474398, 35863480523764, 277969238912399 @ 59, 178, 13
216716914470214, 397396129688172, 68669738590683 @ 138, -100, 829
296851714870622, 285896914754978, 138395552373313 @ -57, -37, 265
273110262632430, 368505433732732, 253899514195619 @ -109, 83, 112
260174866051854, 402391804119998, 300158970414806 @ -49, -74, -105
325436822413170, 421983714598402, 247172245636049 @ -167, -257, 85
252281728989270, 476980133762212, 342477467601359 @ -75, -494, -649
338600765546460, 550770620321170, 411573056556593 @ -198, -577, -323
294085917277254, 33268063188280, 127869181817651 @ -11, 99, 174
335531167298218, 183184739609991, 368731477249318 @ -45, -91, -73
267703225160407, 445230864886582, 262482828912995 @ -186, -210, 114
339694972888821, 322707062288083, 484395005928779 @ -86, -173, -262
200387611591150, 401709185732432, 40246757417119 @ 127, -235, 493
263547967438298, 153079306194867, 257003350697599 @ 19, 5, 38
311740422496906, 380202359303744, 284280966836487 @ -240, -29, -23
326619626826715, 129432579477502, 311085273747489 @ -42, -18, -20
139847472501998, 49629966993476, 199065986486195 @ 183, 203, 120
319271548112989, 98343505044765, 123884333663745 @ -60, 131, 220
257236313576220, 244137919924884, 288564296941044 @ 17, 16, -7
239319225684810, 414577431892772, 282153566338659 @ 50, -26, -38
253448094666470, 413754896239052, 288959254056474 @ -201, 536, -253
356289721674166, 315669249634508, 237109178067363 @ -92, -184, 62
215515055132304, 325595633773036, 269696659655816 @ 109, -8, 29
215444235966838, 214893623437328, 94262935571621 @ 75, -74, 225
217285761085222, 234506001314422, 52102333028740 @ 103, 210, 571
325589917407024, 261829042562024, 347197719693097 @ -184, 182, -179
267471726048930, 536391639375988, 227804886677719 @ -28, -558, 143
266329227773105, 415207750633562, 240460453500014 @ -98, -98, 201
331883852035187, 82290050581148, 199467230944283 @ -42, 8, 90
313129632104559, 99213874360918, 308301981948791 @ -30, 22, -18
300425936932986, 242692707024584, 235477005752739 @ -79, 98, 98
145686890074182, 218401239860584, 144551755991035 @ 281, 249, 340
254128723566594, 211968796627628, 303807266512611 @ 20, 112, -38
248115956527650, 443159022182044, 124078443016167 @ 32, -324, 287
371288573973166, 197074915783274, 151713457275241 @ -81, -101, 137
213336389044518, 207831441327316, 217210181430107 @ 134, 481, 205
296418816410964, 350718419863150, 460683167996103 @ -160, 51, -664
274166084571550, 556394033227340, 312642495146803 @ -18, -536, -55
148786581031767, 143970816967726, 272281093340648 @ 206, 198, 21
253902263577281, 518911639175591, 161544912640287 @ -32, -671, 646
221520853664100, 322202853952340, 307428891339424 @ 77, -128, -37
323926326188532, 107117980535962, 281397075693395 @ -44, 25, 10
229456991678840, 330867298124852, 223159063494579 @ 94, 244, 250
288176911900746, 243535784382202, 245752060548968 @ -61, 130, 81
253107734690230, 136776483854242, 175863410203349 @ 27, 129, 165
294695660104770, 341464723212292, 316167280607387 @ -138, 50, -124
330211753118286, 240673058582572, 251503251874531 @ -142, 105, 65
272990612776169, 108422276429367, 275793957475713 @ 10, 35, 16
304595434172432, 216516999740500, 277951114863024 @ -35, -48, 13
235115538584550, 392685127299436, 293797475708867 @ 62, -132, -46
248100495616540, 464759654025447, 99205581683799 @ 9, -367, 814
320232260020527, 180258179692249, 388221645556247 @ -46, -33, -114
251568249501706, 58236537481612, 294246800533235 @ 33, 120, -6
240494522391700, 257218814180002, 368508169974979 @ 46, -81, -110
242656108657926, 440970993048730, 278180121899069 @ -5, 39, -57
158569509691306, 110237112663132, 215754905076917 @ 139, 40, 84
226432768027391, 182852076414920, 202167051315687 @ 70, 124, 142
225570305295638, 253658809190232, 317199869397231 @ 69, -35, -49
390319761168066, 182862725967796, 377834468298899 @ -127, -36, -102
147391441522287, 48980781373024, 59412806099109 @ 146, 84, 248
179386359225410, 62875453970452, 17425856566584 @ 123, 144, 341
256809411323083, 439839475360034, 324710450924036 @ -182, -46, -663
254247143420730, 162776103669152, 518412124821159 @ 32, -49, -235
299824278999990, 145362064404727, 291016801459841 @ -73, 275, -16
272280605079290, 239054040894540, 343299591989473 @ -83, 536, -259
236282437401357, 420075275436520, 293316261185032 @ 104, 348, -299
269354081380734, 332605615472260, 298769675631743 @ -45, 46, -59
295845946126990, 242050305590192, 257425517530299 @ -41, -13, 44
279635993276616, 358775350972302, 329069654221933 @ 5, -250, -40
150600702453203, 260378919310735, 95686589783565 @ 196, -21, 316
422218514602688, 185766893487117, 353001819895607 @ -147, -65, -66
246874027515354, 382678223803792, 368215618182113 @ 9, 70, -485
245245548803220, 349043206004380, 273265581646927 @ 32, -48, 20
204109099658613, 249340190397430, 175443869155772 @ 98, -54, 159
338795636786142, 101911847254116, 246486534060299 @ -61, 34, 48
234850749126480, 391276545488532, 265494792105999 @ 62, -140, 44
252691516438614, 372448092477132, 288975284152211 @ -10, 40, -48
273397503298602, 211312940026125, 269191593947423 @ -37, 269, 30
330508539679350, 134444173179992, 399777117459259 @ -67, 53, -140
466676270508142, 265232480651404, 415935578924803 @ -204, -141, -139
240982820883025, 274071089605303, 233517618248384 @ 42, 411, 183
262438381888591, 353489617152245, 398443216471378 @ 10, -181, -185
259789438964660, 391813585283267, 348314511273169 @ -15, -139, -212
437351216503785, 538032191022152, 350433449089009 @ -196, -452, -76
275870225988312, 402339972856315, 281827541785112 @ -179, 21, -31
324930970943790, 388339682594068, 245605896063299 @ -193, -149, 98
253992740155705, 351667229548807, 353042405546519 @ -20, 165, -354
350135843048703, 203321436273936, 387508524300904 @ -94, -28, -127
271382800916635, 403901213938581, 378450900194082 @ -138, -13, -593
335617615257110, 336059381292132, 261281184662239 @ -51, -230, 31
308175516178757, 244416076183211, 443352347955969 @ -54, -37, -232
287259076388658, 130702108943536, 244372024331451 @ -46, 291, 76
272752868376252, 456078921405286, 247804235341517 @ -50, -339, 95
273162381941169, 128147987787659, 188963475327047 @ 14, -29, 102
299139503137472, 280086115330004, 245439097722953 @ -84, 44, 81
293631920431630, 370286848598272, 158838057794249 @ -113, -84, 360
260237398426422, 307174991425612, 257417448502235 @ -16, 120, 69
222292831294590, 287036978559404, 321730592859155 @ 92, 94, -105
278938201662814, 247721297839620, 294118009467027 @ -27, 47, -20
247333351618254, 139297502834356, 281574694281443 @ 39, -18, 10
238894145566514, 433421545287236, 298010697992879 @ 54, -118, -177
280300743594792, 147553978222285, 396596605156666 @ 5, -33, -109
199190835480535, 197363657590534, 355128145060209 @ 112, 66, -112
322627760846750, 63367054393958, 351689628318644 @ -33, 26, -57
264819549866694, 355360441100503, 198359763634358 @ -9, -119, 187
126412802644668, 244684697549502, 245106056981813 @ 200, -65, 57
262371184456084, 204019541174390, 420125365086491 @ 21, -62, -150
248352662165892, 423479279782570, 262410907589405 @ -22, -41, 111
366059477020491, 267049298648833, 401196587905201 @ -94, -141, -124
241154789915868, 411162343217962, 286274382477797 @ 38, -25, -61
231468455101898, 391427905444742, 324494665640907 @ 133, 385, -506
250331743410348, 211331317928176, 365332103568329 @ 36, -98, -77
331361563852260, 120697977349072, 262048969223189 @ -91, 156, 36
267191543373964, 291936753464290, 361494135567495 @ 10, -129, -100
253753592218080, 136615735747432, 396086234106544 @ 29, 60, -139
239416086526980, 409491280232032, 274677642967319 @ 50, 114, 12
296823086171385, 373705788753532, 307566281852369 @ -106, -120, -72
185911922936856, 318822091157329, 208731761238099 @ 113, -183, 98
253715733875148, 398289359474671, 275478061549580 @ -19, -53, 11
259267649003535, 203069322928532, 310233126996014 @ 26, -80, -21
262407482781262, 145119149011500, 362633119995779 @ 24, -37, -72
234703844953548, 128085787940626, 151057888192157 @ 53, 38, 164
286980955904080, 233844948302832, 213279902868869 @ -23, -20, 108
252339054895373, 183749771785998, 446184513524439 @ 28, 62, -242
260986291155732, 331163912947006, 312139773960887 @ -12, 7, -88
305239442402868, 203401764714478, 223300763971667 @ -46, 9, 90
293886503422211, 195361034982892, 531814198221545 @ -50, 120, -444
248431311390070, 435555833073372, 271535632534559 @ -27, -124, 39
301777096021112, 271308692547716, 269316674922043 @ -59, -32, 26
175453401496330, 208583624254720, 280427776078189 @ 147, 36, 8
244208133437000, 83023818569094, 362146618338425 @ 37, 494, -180
290778595507460, 162190156605495, 120201295317480 @ -23, 53, 229
308953121043126, 153657177222292, 268534582297343 @ -29, -20, 24
318682961068038, 185053683692416, 297098028239075 @ -35, -71, -6
332808188611182, 333245099279180, 305753352238755 @ -79, -184, -25
330573105000008, 190078438380960, 176941220983899 @ -84, 34, 158
297886641834058, 219862716113408, 192713349026129 @ -71, 134, 183
325337907466710, 414985552978276, 431934729405383 @ -173, -236, -388
357568408022260, 101022893807572, 89003057929519 @ -74, 12, 208
330116904234409, 228732668213246, 352409718441614 @ -74, -46, -87
236239020399547, 404672546198715, 342478234268388 @ 64, -77, -313
290768450596981, 343949192661507, 213810334830543 @ -92, -35, 182
237157879423918, 253411561421388, 277894917992387 @ 51, -37, 12
169397696131857, 27365575408159, 386388289844846 @ 124, 117, -105
307699040762670, 339545259993517, 307438138164284 @ -81, -127, -45
265919574687108, 438589146641034, 267877402928499 @ -124, -199, 58
283585738322310, 283034263623892, 317827080985499 @ -61, 84, -90
228055408019286, 218806877367724, 207693251771003 @ 65, 16, 120
375930559083652, 337846108011258, 438966488805369 @ -180, -151, -257
302656020338158, 279015798830700, 273435894533575 @ -65, -32, 19
369528839709486, 244231138416100, 311847866010227 @ -145, -36, -38
264086692272146, 310441094668233, 123720669799679 @ -21, 67, 438
186654449370991, 244093970259366, 386922652521707 @ 126, -34, -150
323152606960430, 50410115748652, 157242471605059 @ -33, 36, 130
255389060400420, 63020232233548, 327149369338145 @ 32, 24, -33
245933094666120, 407298013860472, 265960840637489 @ -46, 482, 139
316167769018642, 161640541637474, 312203306065525 @ -47, 11, -29
242908408378066, 448613070071919, 318735210774653 @ -5, -119, -720
153566779391472, 252819056610511, 115138646153367 @ 149, -111, 206
428037259058265, 357259686818023, 459651423564167 @ -168, -239, -194
400151219033974, 130696192672292, 414832188374243 @ -117, -20, -126
233499409784795, 463424369742617, 269355397093464 @ 78, -361, 41
210410474598830, 11115607559132, 443652231375219 @ 79, 133, -167
300407468144494, 112852915930448, 490609323158019 @ -65, 287, -382
329479320100580, 311048893826682, 340400545686419 @ -180, 25, -150
269848048936150, 333237978420692, 303779165917379 @ -50, 59, -78
266347743209517, 169857306425398, 308309223576299 @ 16, -18, -22
384509697761853, 273887110448308, 380773875944693 @ -216, -16, -176
223064805098350, 139937392368972, 346033864680259 @ 66, 8, -64
293199190333530, 375148421523652, 203880241746899 @ -78, -154, 182
327037557159765, 334343196256885, 557383490756282 @ -188, -13, -745
255908578447450, 334810794903643, 143970514124788 @ 27, -201, 179
197850793360182, 379411810310236, 196536069237803 @ 113, -228, 140
332416920056850, 93554866523608, 281800512008867 @ -48, 19, 10
371002389432664, 368405869911512, 325897150986291 @ -216, -170, -86
264221490933406, 144061147648436, 399660347978923 @ -41, 788, -434
316613090780574, 216046847247380, 203782524627043 @ -115, 161, 166
300833451825192, 376882908844792, 371209528658147 @ -144, -90, -286
346607746935555, 167696071874507, 311539950690944 @ -64, -53, -21
262892637145905, 346923169579627, 272146582100429 @ -28, 17, 24
281909479751880, 294609251298532, 250171709772869 @ -22, -84, 57
260281289791398, 428292153960136, 271737852888995 @ -171, 11, 42
274906758852930, 276717585265792, 318245904145199 @ -38, 91, -89
252246261128110, 410977350792012, 284507465456579 @ -35, -17, -51
523880257870382, 483625067625436, 527139983237139 @ -329, -387, -317
382009975265108, 387942234291617, 294764481103099 @ -227, -215, -22
245870528118920, 275511369942209, 289894863314733 @ 37, -53, -8
241757900357209, 349277192802512, 317727876619591 @ 34, 380, -266
265574267267051, 349669587055360, 278436813391657 @ -174, 612, -20
287671907390664, 240166463416222, 265736164310489 @ -40, 45, 33
262294731540923, 288492804012613, 274443808840405 @ -54, 423, 16
341025141594909, 344725222007974, 269795467926029 @ -194, -78, 28
336111807780066, 482343699277480, 399597277678799 @ -210, -411, -317
262708301379702, 437632218143700, 264500061720803 @ -40, -263, 54
224676612010162, 381362147807220, 194829885125912 @ 75, -208, 165
265207446370596, 355870309106519, 334036437623067 @ -31, -31, -166
242213832540830, 424489585026284, 282156980635155 @ 22, 34, -65
253677939647052, 71774790363784, 150339320389553 @ 30, 118, 169
208914542209863, 221327515035132, 296977527741265 @ 98, 40, -20
225978346919055, 189503363271362, 257464127408849 @ 62, -62, 36
280003292270532, 273194929507258, 192484316683139 @ -32, 13, 178
241370561741850, 301244008927992, 251395845067739 @ 44, -59, 60
206442308099133, 181336118734342, 408107100470830 @ 86, -30, -139
301996760867700, 310387280483609, 263624066602274 @ -43, -139, 33
314923237240095, 375732987666217, 320822894207489 @ -136, -147, -96
270183603971816, 408157484728546, 266483029933701 @ -200, 87, 79
282522274827330, 419154844645462, 348187416533909 @ -183, -123, -381
391400308625885, 234143077254917, 282386325814828 @ -188, -5, 5
248241992982702, 236933600584012, 226618253934467 @ 35, -40, 85
304738809943074, 366974648702914, 315071440963577 @ -271, 111, -183
317256833455004, 499659423991375, 358438535133325 @ -87, -423, -128
344861079140814, 235832084307832, 235088467063073 @ -161, 90, 95
331627889067230, 102166635226816, 325445669966691 @ -53, 33, -38
277544470541487, 362661905217658, 143456056384913 @ -74, -38, 436
65079839987340, 240651101966827, 121860062366489 @ 233, -123, 180
342577770669831, 147347133816201, 324945146472724 @ -64, -19, -37
308212772927520, 458805983346352, 228065319967187 @ -108, -350, 122
253740247767806, 365333909289500, 61614133850996 @ 31, -248, 261
365962690526502, 315362924823830, 328439534180403 @ -157, -121, -70
294054326857992, 213010706005999, 298211548819148 @ -27, -19, -15
219779660610798, 303410561760076, 159708886802459 @ 151, 472, 613
136893701943065, 362953254474672, 267946767752574 @ 166, -244, 25
244893787502580, 407393629575422, 282902725291239 @ 17, -34, -34
196262891759589, 238852516009657, 260190114409079 @ 110, -35, 38
264224513866830, 412756554745282, 271040907422789 @ -193, 135, 47
244145257499630, 246902624705932, 345477124356419 @ 40, -15, -96
103567172543300, 152988647354764, 106415799964097 @ 342, 312, 381
237049328535246, 455778758722276, 322043719650635 @ 51, -349, -53
376673352124310, 310593535637292, 290158218469475 @ -258, -20, -18
210424804092078, 82373243542024, 232291981915631 @ 111, 471, 109
159978395250240, 183507914962372, 269072947206269 @ 209, 208, 28
246232684189905, 399046050250807, 297901770630794 @ -8, 185, -185
180324128508096, 214385631530956, 235672173157841 @ 154, 88, 87
223806194848000, 357082785792496, 396087216756685 @ 102, 6, -403
259194752897380, 317821847729034, 308986971649649 @ 22, -173, -27
298307615889558, 417432296286096, 486434201004327 @ -109, -238, -548
232114645917249, 313609780467904, 388217993645735 @ 66, 12, -266
321337200009270, 158785966963012, 515755954842479 @ -35, -54, -225
275457332204289, 406220664040342, 270397382020487 @ -72, -170, 30
340476566721830, 326374157455682, 352274774785194 @ -137, -110, -125
181463753476870, 164473967077487, 205295738227709 @ 103, -73, 84
304519692270462, 77725310087932, 377824754146483 @ -16, 15, -83
214857068349012, 301596870886552, 271813369796849 @ 104, 10, 23
211348250163967, 225273734951441, 183300694463183 @ 156, 553, 366
133496002595225, 62291365374777, 207919756885189 @ 166, 89, 92
244181443656309, 420772574702589, 253837864817948 @ 20, -101, 141
300830018159322, 174296199703666, 295138452116897 @ -31, 9, -9
243422051270555, 407940865415295, 278103301151887 @ 22, 17, -10
220581154422402, 79722471889372, 350697513903731 @ 68, 60, -66
245082925719986, 342609293800214, 405264281678849 @ 33, -43, -327
247850340684918, 392398438796662, 236899162162649 @ 11, -45, 183
128001069451687, 297989555796431, 228061359845532 @ 210, -119, 85
244939407723390, 435060214502276, 280562950369875 @ -13, -34, -58
316913138714072, 221638788197917, 323437895995343 @ -159, 285, -114
267864842067030, 150400085066932, 284878281461219 @ 16, -15, 6
405614866313304, 316937218597504, 168919312438151 @ -114, -218, 120
240637839003613, 301874876344243, 75619226493044 @ 46, -177, 243
407681341269689, 435406711222921, 270906852900440 @ -116, -333, 21
307601428077410, 211682999308042, 303439787556799 @ -59, 33, -28
279432068976558, 477067779004460, 412656544245283 @ -145, -427, -653
246495611865920, 420199745093797, 271803259585999 @ -39, 189, 46
269998249376270, 246235532001960, 216537526427763 @ -33, 214, 170
178714014879450, 89848098383351, 85784226487264 @ 107, 7, 203
440404629353925, 170996047237408, 389241750785651 @ -148, -76, -94
248390985168508, 267368954441181, 248093018301785 @ 25, 139, 84
267233147798320, 330970653168712, 374847112142679 @ -44, 78, -316
264482666673849, 352379568285502, 233070865048691 @ -40, 30, 162
264574331700600, 20145140157697, 145526953126739 @ 13, 247, 194
271659396428382, 255644324099356, 222206528627219 @ -30, 141, 143
290977311736348, 444676948938541, 116801545222381 @ -11, -339, 196
313010435881710, 336553683288152, 229358174734664 @ -145, -28, 135
285956222292694, 358335906227884, 240283939863275 @ -101, -24, 126
280817842468188, 264536968119232, 407779118284637 @ -15, -60, -184
236403778487910, 437660647013767, 257095921487864 @ 71, -177, 139
327270091265392, 131483675042490, 224134910443536 @ -39, -34, 67
335061195902542, 271153712345492, 325540021063251 @ -149, 35, -88
238890628317892, 322141235855438, 308185914440670 @ 49, -34, -61
271131779035310, 403216663522684, 78684258172451 @ -33, -207, 516
209029303479318, 47601404592196, 331677735726731 @ 104, 411, -89
132664359388121, 55133082545048, 12921636899287 @ 216, 284, 430
280898664654246, 287224037559008, 275711771568728 @ -25, -52, 15
157283904893390, 15810567219360, 4416323806402 @ 207, 508, 541
307016268839259, 294335836955284, 309836829696560 @ -90, -16, -55
302401719922456, 292179038047870, 313766874165040 @ -131, 126, -95
252780858207378, 418150220598583, 243149525767079 @ -29, -97, 198
200157628876110, 242237200406572, 240147145090739 @ 109, -14, 71
316594269693554, 460445258008648, 264277016412725 @ -119, -354, 39
252527948512697, 453026571775097, 299111778012581 @ -72, -265, -216
219039780135044, 186558656984248, 267983068227965 @ 78, 54, 27
246555699674550, 463619179105429, 250029115292186 @ -73, -367, 441
250480755196005, 415462332029510, 285723060284125 @ -28, -26, -64
208221797969585, 86948144064012, 99756800446489 @ 106, 344, 344